The Real Unsharer

He would never have shared the stage with you in life, Justin, you entitled, jumped up, knock-down bargain basement Michael Jackson tribute act twat.

He’s doing exactly the job he was appointed to do.

It’s not racist for Black folk to recount how we’ve been treated by others. Come the fuck on.

I’m going to put this as nicely as I can: fuck you.

Is it still grounded to the ground??

Wait you don’t actually use it though do you? Because that definitely makes you an asshole.

The combination of a person’s name and SSN4 creates what’s commonly called “personally identifiable information,” the unauthorized disclosure of which is unlawful under numerous state and federal laws.

They could have just said no. The way I see it, they started it and kinda seem like jerks.

What I did in the state cases was medical, not sexual, but because of the porn I lost all credibility.

Do you know the difference between state and federal government?

Don’t engage, just flag his comments.

That’s interesting. Here in the Pacific Northwest the ones I can always count on to drive stupidly are the Jetta drivers. Every damn time I see one, they think they are acting out a Speed movie or Fast and Furious, who knows which. And no, I don’t mean that they are driving fast, I’m talking about sudden unsignaled


My brother tried that bullshit with me since I drive a subaru and eat sushi. Then I reminded him we’re German and told him to shut the fuck up.

This systematic abuse was enabled by the administrating authorities of USA gymnastics and what’s happening to them? Besides that they (USA gymnastics) are pressuring underage girls into signing NDA’s for money. I don’t give two flying fucks that they received money. The fact that you can silence children, who are

Do you know who does stuff like this? Who ignores communication from their partner, going ahead with whatever they want to do sexually, while always making sure to stay on the legal side of things? PREDATORS. It is not the men who care deeply about making sure their partners want to be there and are comfortable but

This article reminded me of Dave Chappelle’s recent comedy special where he went off on a MeToo tangent. He basically said that while he sided with the women and wished them success, he felt that if a woman’s dreams were threatened by this misogyny, they had a “brittle spirit.” I pondered that one and I wondered how

Very few people know how difficult this is for a person who has undergone events that lead to traumatic stress. We work so hard to bury these events, to contain the emotions that are breaking us inside while trying to carry on with our lives among people who don’t have a fucking clue about jack shit on this Earth,