The Real Unsharer

And yet, a sanctioned Russian intelligence official was invited to the US for high-level meetings with US officials (and, likely had intelligence shared with him). And when asked for an explanation as to how/why he was issued a visa despite being sanctioned, they basically shrugged.

A hellfire missile from the underside of a drone vs. an AR-15: Guess which one wins?

If you go to an administrative hearing to contest your case, you have to miss a day’s wages. Assuming an 8 hour shift at min wage, that $66 in lost wages (pre-tax). Your ticket is $50.

Plate was on the dash. Chicago don’t give a fuck.

Tape is not great for newly painted automotive surfaces, and the plate was in the front window. They didn’t care.

0% shocked that it was an Altima.

That, and the month thing is an absolute lie. There is no such thing. Multiple friends in city and suburbs have gotten dinged within days of tags expiring.

Yup. Apartment complexes will let officers onto the parking lot to check tags.


Here’s the problem in Chicago - all your car has to do is be sitting on the street and, bam, you get fined. Many apartment buildings and even a lot of single family homes have no off-street parking.

Oh, don’t worry; they were. I told them I’d find someone else, and went to tell my supervisor, B, what happened.

Well, someone’s day just went to shit.

I think it’s worth recognizing that you had the sense to realize that, while your intentions were good, your comment would’ve “othered” people like Chloe and other POC.

This was in a college town in Illinois just like 30-40 miles outside of the edge of the suburbs. Those who think of Illinois as some liberal bastion would be shocked at how racist quite a few areas of this state are...

When they’re that insistent in trying to find the answer to that question, it’s usually because they want to be able to categorize us as an “other”, not out of any legitimate curiosity.

I’m an American-born child of Chinese immigrants. While Bari’s comments (and subsequent “if you were offended, that says more about your intentions than mine!!!” response) were disappointing, to any POC, especially Latinix and Asian POC, this is exactly 0% shocking. We get othered all the time, even in the country of

I’ll tell you this right now: Either there were no POC in the room when this was conceived, planned, and approved *or* the POC did raise objections, but were overruled.

I used to live in a predominantly black neighborhood in Chicago. It was a great neighborhood and I honestly loved it. Friendly neighbors, etc.

It’s really sad, honestly. While quite a few Asians certainly aren’t racist towards black folks, I cannot deny that there is a strong vein of anti-black racism that exists in Asian communities and culture and it’s disheartening, to say the least.

Hi, Asian person here. I can personally attest to the fact that there is a really ugly streak of anti-black racism that runs through the Asian community. I’ve seen it in person. I’ve confronted it head on when Asian friends have said some really fucked up things about black folks.