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Let us all bask in the awesomeness of its lone TV spot:

Nope, because I like my money and am also not a moron.

Easy answer: It is too hard to make a winter coat for women. How will they make it so it keeps her warm with a giant boob window?

Im waiting for the “30 Something” set.

I’m most looking forward to the A-Team. I love it when a plan comes together! I really hope it does the TV show justice! Now if only they would come out with a Cheers set. I would love to play as Sam Mallone!

Am I the only one who thinks that virulent shit talking should be relegated to exclusively amongst friends and not in the public eye?

Let’s be honest, they’ve had ghosts and other supernatural elements. Dunno why zombies is drawing the line.

The thing with Iron Man - they’ve established over and over that his parents, especially his relationship with his father, was an open wound. He never got the closure, and he’s shoved that down deep. Batman revisited his parents death over and over as he took on the mantle. Iron Man repressed it. Blamed his dad,

He’s just breaking down character construction, proper use of motivations, and narrative devices used successfully vs. not successfully. If these seem largely opinion based observations, I can see how someone might miss all of that falling apart in BvS.

Without having seen Civil War, the question why they would fight is valid. But through the whole movie they set up why they fight. And they try not to, they really do. So many times Iron Man tries to coax Cap over so they *don’t* have to fight. But given the previous films, they clearly established why Iron Man

Valve doesn’t know how to dial it back. It’s either do it stupid, or don’t do it at all. They know no other way.

But, you had to buy a new version of the movie to find one to top CW...Cap was fine in the theatres when it was released.

Oh Angrier Geek, such a ray of sunshine. ;-)

When poor and especially black people are assaulted, killed, harassed and unlawfully detained. It’s important to remember that critical distinction.

I haven’t even played No Man’s Sky and every time I see a picture or video I get a feeling of Deja Vu. Their procedural generation is shit.

To be fair, those lifted shoes Cruise wore would walk over anybody and anything.

Matt Lauer has sucked for so long and we just . . . accept it.

What you’re providing is useless anecdotal evidence.

“Oh well I think from my friends...”

I am running a GTX 780. A card that’s over 3 years old. My PC does not in anyway what so ever struggle to run ANY game out right now. 5 minutes after I play this I will be continuing the Witcher 3 which is one of the most

Does it come with a headphone jack?

Does it come with a headphone jack?

Oh for fucks sake, he is not the singular reason we are mistrusted throughout the world...for God's sake, Edward Snowden had nothing to do with us overthrowing the Iranian presidency in the 50's in to place the Shah in power, nor did he have anything to do with the number of Central and South American dictatorships