
Write your own fucking article and put that shit in it if you think it needs to be mentioned.

I own the originals on steam and received the remasters of one and Minerva den but I never received the remaster of 2. Im not sure why but I think it may be because I purchased the key at Green Man Gaming instead of steam. Anyone else have that issue?

I appreciate your efforts but give up. These guys don't like the film and won't admit how wrong they are.

Oh I see what you did there

They are considered gag gifts/novelty items here in Texas. That's how they get around it.

He makes more money than me and I've never murdered anyone.

I've been meaning to reinstall it. I'll try to this weekend.

Please see yourself out.

I miss Gawker.

Hi Heather. Love your stuff. Is Harmony of Dispair you favorite Castlevania game? I've been meaning to purchase is but I don't have anyone to play with so I wasn't sure if it's good solo?

True but that Cruise interview was ridiculous in a good way so I am glad was a door mat.

I only did it with someone who was experienced in it and who knew someone who could get good product. Meth was helpful with getting me to focus and get shit done.

The come down on coke isn’t too bad. Now meth.... Those were the worst come downs I’ve ever had.


Street Fighter and Guilty Gear are two separate franchises though.

Never mind. I just realized it is a Seagate drive. No thanks.

Never mind. I just realized it is a Seagate drive. No thanks.

How hard would it be to crack this open and install it into a pc?

How hard would it be to crack this open and install it into a pc?

AM2R should do the same.

The Uncharted Series. I heard so much good stuff about this series and so I picked up all three when I got a PS3 in 2012. The first one was nothing but shooting stages and climbing sections with horrible controls. I finished it and played part 2 thinking that they had improved but no, still the same shooting stages

Who the fuck cares?