
I’ve yet to finish Mad Max and Metal Gear 5 and I got caught up in Shadow of Mordor. However, Doom is 40% off at the Steamsale so that's tempting... I just have to finish my homework.

Look up a miniseries called Identity Disc. It had a team of marvel villains trying to steal a macguffin.

They may be too far along in development to bother making a character. I guess there is always the next game?

Something is telling me that his death won't stick. At one point, he was a cyborg so I'm sure he will be brought back.

Does it come with death threats?

So is that like Dynasty Warriors? I doubt it is coming to the States.

There will be a conference, right?

So the real title is Mafia 3: Red Dead Redemption 2?

The whole conference was like that. Very lame!

I’m hooking up my PC to my big screen, getting pizza and whiskey and playing some games. I have yet to finish Mad Max or MGS 5

What about a team comprised of Hunt,Bubbles, LSP and Jesus!?

I’ve been told to just play Warframe on the PC instead.

Everything about this game is vague

I remember working at gamestop in 2002 and a customer told me this was the best version of Doom. I wish I had believed him.

Reviews are opinions. You can always ignore them. Don't get bent out of shape over it.


I doubt he will stay dead and predict he will return by the end of the event but still, it’s unnecessary and damaging to minority comic book readers. Are minority characters only useful to up the stakes by killing them? If I want this crap, I'll go back to watching the Walking Dead!

The company is on the decline because they milk their franchises dry. If they'd stop releasing the same crap year after year, then they'd probably be in better shape.

That’s easier said than done. If I could predict that someone would die by someone else I would do whatever I could to stop it. The question is, do we punish someone for something they haven't done yet? Is it wrong to treat them as a criminal when they technically haven't done anything yet but a destined to?

I loved Supreme Power. I wish that team had survived the Secret Wars event. Never got a conclusion to the fight between Hyperion and Redstone.