
Everything about this game is vague

I remember working at gamestop in 2002 and a customer told me this was the best version of Doom. I wish I had believed him.

Reviews are opinions. You can always ignore them. Don't get bent out of shape over it.


The company is on the decline because they milk their franchises dry. If they'd stop releasing the same crap year after year, then they'd probably be in better shape.

Am I the only one who knows that the Uncharted series is overrated?

Jane the Virgin is really good.

Darksouls is the game that keeps on giving but Ninja Turtles will just give you an olcer.

That level sucked and my brother and I only saw it a handful of times. I always had to beg him do the underwater stage because I sucked and he'd oblige every now and then but most times, he'd act like a big brother and be a jerk about it.

My brother and I got this for the NES on our birthday and boo howdy were we shocked at how different it was from the arcade version. The dam level still gives me nightmares!

Please explain.

Tempting but... Uncharted?

Tempting but... Uncharted?

I thought you were really leaving but you're just moving one house over so I can relax now. You rock Evan!

Fucking Steam!

Don’t bother with these games. They are overrated. Instead, play the newest version of tomb raider. It is much better.

The product placement is fine. If it is like that video of the tablet in the air, then I don’t know how you can complain because it is not noticeable at all.

If I had pewdiepies salary, then who cares about drama!

Kind of makes me wish I had not sold my copy of Geist.

It was bad direction, not acting.

It’s crap like this that makes me wish I wasn’t a gamer.