
dealing with tire degradation as a kid really put me off the entire franchise.

GT5! This was also the 599 US Dollars, Killzone 2, Boomerang era Sony; so...extremely pretentious.

pretentious bullshit

Yep I play video games to escape real life.

But this game is extremely realistic in that I’m driving around in a Honda Civic and I can only dream about driving the nice cars.

In GT7 I would like to have users enjoy lots of cars and races even without microtransactions. At the same time, the pricing of cars is an important element that conveys their value and rarity, so I do think it’s important for it to be linked with real-world prices.”

On the contrary. Nintendo’s preservation is second to none in the gaming industry. Developers actually go to them for source code for the developer’s own games... because Nintendo actually has the foresight to keep that shit when most companies don’t bother.

I genuinly dont think white people are upset by this. I think its a bunch of right wing haters of hasan, reporting it as a racism as a fuck you to him.

I’m so white my favorite meal is unseasoned boiled chicken on wonderbread with heavy mayonnaise, and even *I* think these people are fragile...

As a FDA certified saltine myself, god white people are so fucking fragile.

Putting aside all the other awful shit, how in 20 fucking 17 does anyone still believe that what a woman is wearing makes any difference to whether a rapist is going to rape her? Ugh.

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

It doesn’t make sense at all...Zombies are searching for brains to eat.

“I think your grandma’s a zombie”

Every zombie in the plague is some Redcap that shouted getting infected/bitten by zombies was their god given right, and it’s Communism to try and stop it.   Screaming the N-word as they charge others in their undeath is spot-on world building.  

Politics aside, killing nazi zombies or racist zombies is even that much more satisfying. 

I bet they just lost their MAGA hats in the zombie shuffle.

It does make sense. I mean, based on current real world information, racists are among the group least likely to seek out vaccinations or other medical assistance in the event of a zombie plague. I bet they just lost their MAGA hats in the zombie shuffle.

you can still use Duke, you just gotta cut the misogynist BS out. He can still be a caricature of action move baddasses and quip like an idiot, just maybe lean more into the parody instead. I don’t particularly care about Duke but he’s not beyond saving. He just needs to change

I feel like Duke is dead. His main character trait is being a sexist bro dude and I can’t think of a worse character to put a game out for these days. I don’t know how you transform him for a modern audience. I don’t know how many fans are left after Forever. I’d be interested but I feel like a watered down version of

It’s pretty simple once you just get past the alphabet soup nature of their explanation. I would assume that they’d come out with more basic instructions once this is widely available, as I’m sure most of those in the beta program are savvy enough to easily install an M.2 NVMe drive.