
So the first game occurred and then somehow the universe reset and the events of this game are taking place? So this is a sequel then? How about the other FF7 games? Do they count? 

I really don’t care if I play the remake or not so can someone just spoil the FF7 remake? Also, does it matter since it’s a remake?

The first year of my PlayStation, I didn’t have a memory card because I couldn’t afford one. Had to beg my parents for one. 

Animal Crossing and the Streets of Rage 4 soundtrack! The music freaking owns!

You’re probably too far gone to ever get an Xbox again since you’re taking advantage of the game pass for PC but the non-PC gamers are still up for grabs. Either way, I’m sure they’re going to make more money through services and games than hardware. 

Word on the street is that Disney is contractually obligated to release the movie in theaters which is why they have yet to give up and release it to VOD. 

I am curious to hear the snide response....

so this is how they are going to get it working on Switch

Currently on Wii U: FF Tactics Advance, Metroid Zero Mission, Golden Sun, Advance Wars 2, Minish Cap, Superstar Saga, Aria of Sorrow

You ever consider donating some of it?

So with hair that long, does it get caught on stuff or get in the way when you do things? How do you manage to do things in the restroom?

They should hire Yuzo Koshiro or Michiru Yamane for the next game. 

Everyone knows how reasonable and understanding video game players are, amirite?

He’s at home, washing his tights! Hahaha!

Isn’t May 4th the birth of Yoda?

Why am I just a sucker, being a good person and caring about others when it gets me nothing? Clearly I just need to become a horrible social media asshole, cheat on my wife and peddle conspiracy theories that endanger many so I can be successful.

After reading this article, I sought out the spoilers and now having read what happens, I cannot wait to play this game!

No rain over here but I love when it rains In my Animal Crossing island! I’ve had the game since launch but it’s only rained twice which is a bummer.

I appreciate this very much. Reading this makes me mad at the gamers that refuse to read about or have politics in their games or games media. I feel that if they read this, they may be more politically active but they’d probably just still not care. Please be safe and thanks for all you do.

I beg to differ. If you want a modern Indiana Jones style adventure game, then play the Tomb Raider reboot games. If you want a slogish, Michael Bay like experience, then play the Uncharted games. I really do not understand all the love for them as they are pretty boring.