How is this asshole not in prison?!
How is this asshole not in prison?!
She is so hot!
Why are you not in the greys?
Hey Mike, how's the Switch version holding up? Would you still recommend it to someone that wants a good Starfox game?
You forgot about the Castlevania release of Rondo and Symphony on PS4. It was barebones compared to the PSP release.
Before I met my wife, I dated a number of women that had conservative belifes (which are the opposite of mine) and the dates only lasted 1 or 2 before I dumped them. How people from opposing political philosophies can be married, over no clue. If my wife went republican, I'd have to get a divorce.
Well name checks out
Nintendo makes hard to find amiibo that is used to unlock stuff in games and people still accept that
When is the Persona series coming to Switch?
Valve makes CS a free to play battleroyale and pretty soon they’ll offer Source engine for free. Already feeling the heat from Epic.
Valve makes CS a free to play battleroyale and pretty soon they'll offer Source engine for free. Already feeling the heat from Epic.
There is no way you’re not Gabe Newell! No one would suck Steam's dick that much unless they had some involvement with it.
You have no idea what you're talking about
Steam won’t do anything... Like always
I'd take a trilogy remaster
I bought a Vita for remote play but it sucks for that. WiFi antenna is crap and the controls that developers implement for remote play always rely on the touch screen. I've put some games on it but I've yet to actually play anything.
Thanks. I now know to avoid that game.
So gross. He's trying to hard.
Darksouls has a plot!?
Lucky for me, my cat is too busy ripping up my carpet instead of my cables and cords. I've already told the wife that next house will be all hardwood floors!