
Wow! Spencer is an idiot. It's like the execs at Microsoft have just given up on the Xbox brand.

Don't forget the Soulsborne fanbase.


Sony has dropped the ball this generation. No PSone and only a couple of PS2 games on PS4. They should have just released these games as a compilation on the current PlayStation.

Jet Set was on Dreamcast

Nintendo doesn’t own the Golden Eye license and I’m not sure what deal they could make that MS would be ok with since it means less people buy Xboxes.

You can always look at porn if you want to see scantly class women so badly.

The fact that Banjo Kazooie are listed is proof that the leak is fake. No way in hell is Microsoft going to allow Nintendo to use their characters. It makes no damn sense.


Oh, ok. Thanks for clarifying.

Not enough stars for this comment!

Limewire is still around?

Yes. The guy is an ass.

Depends on the game. I loved it in Breath of the Wild. Something tells me I'll love exploring parts unknown in this game too.

I've never understood the need to pay for Xbox live or psnow (ps4) since online is free with PC games unless it's an MMO? Where does that money go towards? Xbox was charging way before they gave free games away so it can't be that.

I’ve yet to finish the main game but I regret preordering this game. It’s got a good story but it’s just nothing but busy work and the Batman/Ubi games have just ruined that formula. It’s all just “meh”.

I am kinda interested in knowing why he is your ex and you are not over him? Did he end it over some odd reason? I remember being so distant with my ex-wife before we actually got married but I was just dealing with depression. 

I laughed out loud.

I am glad that you survived but I am so sorry. You’ve gone through too much. I’m not sure how you’ve been able to do it.

I actually preferred the Voldo advertisement. It always made me laugh. I swear I am 35 years old.