
I think it’s when you try to leave the station from the entrance. I’m not sure

I think it was added by the guys at Games Radar at the time. Those same guys left and are now LaserTime.


They even left out Sonic 3 but included all the others.

It’s only fun if you play it with someone

Calm down and read Patricia’s articles about this game. It isn’t that bad.

How much you want for the entire lot? I’m serious! Throw in a copy of your book too!

Owned by Activision.

Owned by Activision.

Owned by Activision.

Ok guys, imagine that you are stranded on a deserted island and you can only have 1 game out of the 21 listed to play for the rest of your life. Which game to do you pick?

I was almost finished with MGSV on PS3 and was planning on going back to it when I have some free time but to heck with that. I also have it on PC but I’ll just play this one.

Valve has lots of time to kill considering they no longer develop games. They make a ton of money daily so it kills me that they cannot do a better job of curating or just fixing Steam.

I have never played an NBA 2K game before but the idea of a sports RPG sounds pretty cool. Not counting 2K18, which year of this franchise should I try for a good RPG experience?


Yeah, that seems like the route I’d take since I still game on my ps3

Why is Valve so damn cheap that they wouldn’t hire a crap ton of people/coders to come up with a real solution to this problem or any of the issues they have? These guys haven’t made a videogame in years so what exactly are they doing other than counting all the goddamn money they generate?

I laughed but then remembered that I wore Tommy Hilfiger back in the day too. 🤮

Trump would beg to differ. Also, why not Wolfenstein the new order?

Dude, I love that channel