
Hey.... you’re not the wallet inspector!

The remake of 1 and 2?

Am I the only one who does not like the look of Jeff? He seems like a douche but for all I know, he is the nicest guy on the planet.

Arkham collection and now this! Fuck these lazy fucking developers.

You invested time and money into a Wii U and your return on investment was all of the Wii U games that you were able to play. You choose to go with a Nintendo console and unfortunately, it did not live up to your expectations. If you do not feel like it is worthwhile to purchase the next Nintendo

They don’t owe you, me or anyone else who purchased a Wii U anything.

I hate Florida. We need to cut it off.

Yeah, that or a barcode with 666 under it

The blue collar Trump supporters are in for a rude awaking because he is part of the elite and doesn’t give two shits about them.

I’m sorry

I’m sorry

I, for one, welcome our new Trump overlord. 

The only good thing about a Trump victory is that the four years in office will be so fucked up that the country will be united and vote for change the next election .

I have vanilla Diablo 3 on ps3. Am I able to update it to reaper of souls ?