
You've rarely seen a team as inept as Milwaukee this year (there have been others, but these guys are doing their best to be the worst), but this kid makes it all worthwhile. The only time he's not getting minutes now if he's in foul trouble. The best two words to describe his demeanor are "capricious" and "adorable".

Right foot never leaves the ground.

People that are complaining about a travel: where? Classic step-back J.

Used to live in Chicago and try to go to a few games a year, and never once so much as sniffed the 200 level, purely based on price. One by-product of that, though, is the noise level in the 300s is a factor of 10 greater than down in the 100s. Fans up top, suits (and their spoiled kids) down below.

I went to the Milwaukee/Memphis game last night in Milwaukee, and a scalper out front had $135 courtside seats. I don't know if they were on the wood or a row or two back, but still.

Word on the street was he went through a dark time back around '10 and '11 (who wouldn't, with his luck and the Durant comparisons?) but he recommitted himself after the full year away the league and just wants to be a contributor for as long as his body allows. Mark Titus wrote a pretty great article on him a couple

Another noise-y factor here: those teams at the top of the chart are generally the "Premium" games offered by teams at an increased original price, so those tickets are simply more expensive to begin with.

Also, the guy with the most name-recognition related to their on-floor product is their coach, Jeff Hornacek. Dragic is a baller, and handsome as can be, but I'd wager no one's dropping top dollar when he comes to town.

Man, Zim is the best. Vikings fans need to treat him right and give him time. He's a cool sonofabitch that doesn't take any shit. Hope he's good with a head gig, he's certainly earned a shot after so many years of being one of the best DCs around.

On the cheap front, Fleischmann's usually takes care of business on my end.

What I just described is pictured by BabaGanusch.

Pickled eggs? How about just Pickles? Crisp, refreshing dill pickle spears. Add a beef stick, lemon, a hard-boiled egg if you need the protein, and you've got yourself a winner.

He better get going if he wants to outrun the mob coalescing behind him. It's one thing if he's hitting shots and Knicks fans are lying to themselves about this assemblage of gunners and one good defensive player being a "championship contender", quite another when it's obvious he's the fly in the soup of a

Credit where it's due: Matt Swartz's response was by far the best.

Yep, that's going to be a major drag, but at the very least they can now move on from the "fun" and gun.

Dalton improved his accuracy, yardage, TDs, and rating every single season.

God damn right.

Here's the fun thing: Bengals fans, by and large, are very happy about this. Have fun throwing the ball 50 times a game and ignoring Alfred Morris!

Wow, I never knew that. Thanks for the knowledge drop.

Was at a Bengals game a couple weeks ago, and every single normal-to-slightly-above seat was full. It's those mid-level "club" seats that people can't afford and/or don't want. In a place like New York or Dallas, cash-flush dipshits can't wait to buy those kind of seats, if only just to say they did. In southwest