
I definitely wasn’t thinking “suicide” when I saw this! If that’s the truth, it just underlines that our PoC youth need support. If not, like Old white guy said, why was it deemed a suicide? I was once an innocent teenager in NOLA thinking I could beat the streetcar. I could have been killed easily.

That’s good stuff right there!

I had to get to the very end, but “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.” 

I guess it’s a lawyerly trait, but it’s infuriating that prosectors will never admit defeat. That idiot prosecutor for the Exonerated Five twisted herself into a knot trying to find a new angle.

She also dresses like a old timey school marm with weird collars that button to her neck. Like Eyeball said, I think her stylist hates her.

I was so disappointed they didn’t do anything with Doctor Who at all, except play that tiny sound clip of the TARDIS. Matt Smith did carry the torch in Cardiff, so maybe I’m asking for too much.

I’ve been known to say “they win a fucking plate!” Yes, it’s a cake stand and some flowers. I remember the first time I found it on PBS...2015? At the top of the hour there was no rundown of all the money they’d win, car they’d receive sponsored by Ford, etc.

I didn’t realise that about Mel and Sue. What a clever and heartwarming approach.

I think way too much about this. Does he have body dysmorphia that goes the other way? What does he see when he looks in a full length mirror? Thin, tanned guy in a perfect suit? I don’t see how you can ignore your mirror like that.

I am a prolific Twitter user and unenthused Facebook user. I’m early Gen-X, and my peers are on Facebook all damn day posting shitty memes from four years ago and Tumblr posts they are too old for. Then you have the Boomers who tag fifty people in one post, like my dad, or others who uploaded a sideways picture.

I have been watching too much ID Channel lately and couldn’t believe it. Strangers really took a little girl, did god knows what to her, and left her in a dumpster. Is the motive just being trash?

I was oblivious to the person you are referring to until now. Unfortunately, she’s already put together a string of real zingers. There’s probably only three but she doesn’t seem to understand Twitter and retweets her own tweets very often. I’m supposed to believe she’s part of a master race?

This was pretty much my reaction. I immediately Google Mapped the distance from Alexandria to Dallas. The first article I read didn’t mention what drugs and I thought “What drugs do you drive almost 5 hours for!?” Then 12 *pounds* of weed?? Weed. I’ll never rid myself of the image of him in his Dragon Ball Z shirt

My friend sent me this last night from some Instagram post and I actually said “No” in my head, I thought it was some rumor floating around. I refused to believe it, but confirmed it on the Dallas News site. This is the only testimony I watched live and it was heatbreaking. Keep your fucking hugs, another innocent

According to Botham’s family lawyer, toxicology wasn’t performed until 3 AM and it found that she was sober. I can’t really believe that...the cops protect their own, etc. etc.

I’ve noticed this bug as well, and I think saving is the equivalent of starring now. For some reason.

I thought this trial could have been *okay* given the judge and the racial makeup of the jury, but uh. WTF is this. A bad verdict is coming down.

I’m in Charlotte, NC and her campaign event is just down the road. My friends are there (with selfies) and it really caught my spirit for some reason. There are approximately 1000 dem candidates but I love Warren.

I’ve been trying to watch the trial when I can since I work from home. Yesterday she lied on the stand and said she did chest compressions. That was a bold choice. There was not a speck of blood on her and her first aid kit wasn’t out. She was texting her booty call while on the phone with 911. Cops get special

The jury makeup: 5 black people, 5 other PoC, and two white people. I don’t think they listed gender, but that’s a bit hopeful? Probation for manslaughter, though?! I thought Texas was all about “you mess with the law” bullshit. Edited to say, the judge is very good.