
Argh. You beat me!

I don't think anybody based on their reactions to a woman having an orgasm next to them...

She could just be nervous about going through a medical procedure. Some people act that way when they are anxious.

Ugh, I tried finding a link for the ones I buy and I can't find them anymore :(

I hate it! Feeling anything come out of my body without my control is just gross. That's why the times I've gone commando have been during the last few days of my period when I was wearing a light tampon. I heard a horror story about a woman who got her period standing up on the train when she wasn't wearing undies. I

I hear you. You would think they would have this underwear thing down by now. I only buy this one kind of Hanes underwear. It fits comfortably, but comes in ugly colors/patterns.

I bet when he was in junior high he felt weird about that. I did, anyway. All of my friends' parents were so much younger. My 32 year old SO has parents who are about 53.

Haha, I think it's a good thing! I'm starting to have anxiety about my parents as they're approaching 70. And my grandparents are long gone. I know you probably already do but cherish each moment and takes tons of photos and videos :)

Yeah, I was more concerned with wearing skirts. I've gone commando on the last days of my period with a tampon in. It was great!! It just feels so free. Did you just get tired of having to wash your jeans so much?

Definitely lucky! That being said, if I didn't have this issue I'd say "fuck underwear" too!

I'll be 30 soon and my mom and dad are 68 and 69!

Serious question: what happens with your discharge? Hope this isn't TMI but depending on the time of the month I will literally drip. I would be mortified if I had a wet spot on my skirt or if I was standing somewhere and dripped.

Yes! I'd be embarrassed even if no one knew it was me that left it behind and I'm considerate so there's that. People are strange.

It's so weird! For me and my SO they are part of foreplay. He likes them very much and I *obviously* do a good job so... Also, he said it feels different and is exciting because someone else (read: me) is doing it.

I immediately shared his tweet with my SO!

Oh..whoops. I thought it might be something I didn't get!

The last time I bought lipstick (over a year ago) at a MAC counter in Macy's I actually ended up returning it. The lady put it on the back of my hand and it looked good there, but when I tried it out in the car it was absolutely awful. It was getting dark out and I thought maybe it could be the lighting so I tried it

He's alive and recently got shot during his mother's funeral procession.

That was the most obvious to me!

Oh, Bette. It would be funny if the puppy wasn't given to her because her dog died. Also, Melissa Joan Hart's tweet made me sad.