
Sorry to hear that! Sounds like something that happened last year to my boyfriend. He flew out to Austin from NYC for a job interview when they had someone else in mind. Thankfully they paid for his accommodations, but it still was a waste of time and hope.

And Justin Theroux is related to Louis Theroux! Craziness.

Hahaha. Also, your avatar is hilarious!

So you're telling me my, most likely, mentally disordered brother who's in Iowa right now for trucker driver training should probably quit while he's ahead? :(

Honestly, you're better off not getting regular manicures. Maybe I'm too cheap (read: not well off) for a decent manicure, but the last time I got my nails done (a year ago) the manicurist damaged my nail bed. The inside corner of one of my cuticles didn't grow back for months and my nail grew out flat on that side.

But how cool would it be to show the receipt for that on Twitter though? Not very cool, I imagine. Sigh.

It would've been nice if I could figure out how to post a photo! And I'm glad I could make your Monday better :) Here are more. If you don't have Facebook, just google "Planet Hiltron." Happy viewing!

Not 80, but as close as we're going to get!

I was under the impression that he doesn't consider himself either gender. In that case, him or her would be incorrect, but then what would be the correct way? And you're right about beauty being impossible without diversity. The world would be quite a bore if we were all the same and if we all felt the same way.

I get sleepy too. I don't think it's gender-specific at all.

I muted the audio and played Cocteau Twins. Quite magical!

Yeah, I guess it all does boil down to mortality. I guess I don't see it that way because mortality only matters to me because I am aware of it.

Hmmm...I've only had coconut water once and I didn't like the taste. But I imagine it varies depending on the person's diet.

It's simply mind-boggling. I have a hard time putting into words what is so wrong with it and I honestly don't get why it's so hard for people to comprehend.

I am serious baffled by this train of thought and this is going to be hard for me to explain. It's not like you could be retroactively aborted. If you never existed there'd be nothing to miss! You wouldn't have experienced anything at all. I could understand this kind of comment if fetuses were all-knowing beings and

I actually read that sentence to my boyfriend and asked him what it meant. It is just so incredibly nonsensical that I just had to see if it was indeed saying what I thought it was. My goodness. People like this are deciding what I should be able to do with my life.

Haha, I remember my cousin tattling on me for calling her a bastard. That is such an odd choice of insult. I wonder if it was from watching that movie too!

But if you didn't exist then it wouldn't matter anyway.

You, my friend, are lucky.

Nah, you're not. I think his voice is heavenly, but someone I know absolutely hated him.