
we were all rooting for them!

Is this the same lady who posts about making $15467/month working from home? Cuz this is probably how she does it.

It's pretty weird to call out Khloe for being disrespectful to Native American culture and call them "hairy gypsies" in the same sentence.

I did some FB sleuthing because I'm bored on a Saturday afternoon and found that Andy appears to be the head chef so obviously the owner's son, albeit a little shithead for his last remark, made a mistake in who he was messaging. Regardless, the lack of professionalism on behalf of the owners and how they failed to

The only thing hideous here is your shitty fucking vocabulary. "Pig brat"? Yeah, because I really want to take advice about manners and good parenting from someone who calls a child a "pig brat".

It would be wrong even without that but the fact that he is a) far away and thus physically unable to be present to fight for his companion personally and b) doing a service for his nation (regardless of the morality of the actions his country is ordering him to do) make it especially bad.

I don't have bears but I do have bear arms. My bear arms keep me safe. You also have a right to bear arms.

Here in the UK, not only are civilians barred from owning bears, but even the police don't have them (with the exception of rapid-response bear units). There are severe penalties for being caught with a bear, though there have been some tragic incidences where the police thought the suspect had a bear but it turned

You really shouldn't be depending on emergency services for peace of mind.

This story is even worse when you read the original bit here:… There were 10 pit bulls there! 10! They belonged to the kid's grandfather and he did not properly secure them, even though they were outside. Holy F.

Blame it on the rain. Lip syncing is nothing new.

"as we have zero tolerance for any kind of hurtful or disrespectful actions toward our guests"

Those pitbulls attacked the wrong person.

I read the link and I don't think Kanye actually said that... Right after the quote, the writer of the article says:

I have taught both preschool and primary grades. This is reprehensible. You do a check, and there is a log. If a parent no shows, you call. If they do not respond, you call an emergency contact. You also want to consider that something may have happened to the parent (it happens- I had a parent whose mom died, a dad

I have a lovely mother that is a normal feminine type- but literally taught me nothing about feminine stuff: makeup, hair, sex (except not to have it). I have no older sisters, was never part of a sorority, etc. and thus have no real idea what I'm doing on the hair/ makeup front. It makes me sad cause it would nice to

You know, I'm sure a lot of people here are going to think that the people who responded that way are all bigots or intolerant but you know what? I only have one sister and if she gets married I'm going to want the man she marries to be moral, decent and really, really easy to trick.

But it's really really hard. When you're young, it's easier to forgive cool-looking/sounding stuff that hates you and wants you to be fucked and killed and negated. After a few decades of swallowing tons of misogynistic bullshit just to get the movies/music/comics/art we love, it gets harder.

when you go back to the 80s MTV panic, I think your claims of "same as it ever was" start to break down. You definitely had your scantily clad women writhing on hoods of cars in heavy metal videos, you had your gorgeous gal in body paint in Duran Duran's Rio, you had the blank and beautiful women who all looked the