
Because reality is subjective and his base will never be swayed.

How is it the case that he still enjoys ~80% favorability ratings from the republicans? How?

Rihanna could show up in a literal hefty bag and Jez/the internet would trip all over themselves to claim it’s haute couture. She looks like she’s going to the prom in 1995.

New Yorker just came in the mail.

My favorite part was when he told them how he was the most persecuted artist ever, and no artist has ever been treated more unfairly than him.

The “not Arrowverse” thing seems more like a standard issue “lets give the show a chance to find it’s feet before we worry about that” statement. The same as Arrow having no powers, Supergirl not having any crossovers, and so on. If they come out of the gate saying it’s part of the universe, it burdens them with

Oh Thunder and Lightning will definitely suit up by the end of the season.

Agree with everything said here. That costume is awful, just awful. Bulky and awkward looking in the extreme.

The two biggest reasons I’m excited for this is because, unlike the other CW shows this is not an “origin story”, and because he’s not a teen-twentysomething coming to terms with his power.

If it’s not a terror attack, it’s a criminal perhaps being chased by cops, someone who hit gas instead of brake, or someone who just drives a like a maroon. We will know soon.

Probably a drunk driver. Look at the angle its crashed at. That looks like high speed & booze to me.

Old person or terrorist.

AH HA HA HA HA HA HA! You are beyond help.

N’ah, fuck that. Like Scalia, this piece of shit sought to deny dignities to ALL of the minority groups in the U.S. through outright lies to and emotional manipulation of the white population. I got no pity for the pitiless, too bad there’s no hell for those fuckers to rot in(and the rest of they parade as their

This is so strange. Trumps america so far has proven to be a rather hostile place for conservatism. Roger Ailes dies, O’Reilly loses his show, Tomi is nuked from orbit by her own fan base, GOP legislators getting chewed out by their own constituents, Districts Trump won by like 20 points suddenly need millions to fend

Yeah, I’m past the “don’t speak ill of the dead” thing. He was a terrible human being and I’m glad he was humiliated and fired before he died.

Counterpoint: I’m glad he’s dead. I hope it hurt. I wish there was a hell for him to burn in and I hope he isn’t alone in it long. I hope his family is devastated by it and I hope they never recover.

This is fascinating. Please provide sources so we can enlighten ourselves.