
If Louise Mensch and the rest of Russian Conspiracy Twitter is to be believed (which, you know, take Mensch with a block of salt but Claude Taylor and John Schindler seem pretty legit) something like “30-40” people are going to jail, including all of That Asshole’s family, and most of the upper tier of the GOP. They

Paul Ryan. While he’s pumping iron.

I had to meet with him on occasion about five years ago for work. I hate him in a very special way.

McConnell, defintely. I would take personal pleasure in seeing tears (which I doubt he’s capable of) streaming down his stupid turtle face.

This could take down Pence and others. This is definitely not not bad.

And by RIP I mean Rest in the Perpetual fucking sloggiest of the the slog of humanity. May the wind forever be in your face.

He knew. And he knew he was about to be voted out in Indiana. It was his and Mother’s best bet.

I seriously most earnestly hope this throws everything from here on out. Pence knew. McConnell knew. Ryan knew that this was a flaming corporate cess fire that was heading straight for our actual lives.

Pence cannot claim ignorance anymore, that keebler elf was head of the transition team.

where’s the lie?

I dunno, it’s not like gay men are unable to be misogynist. His sexual orientation has nothing to do with his paranoia and hatred of women.

I will defend her if you won’t: SHE AIN’T WRONG.

Here are the tweets from Sherry Frost. I will be ultra-fair to the Republicans and say I won’t defend her tweets, but note that she had the balls to put her name behind it and take responsibility for what she said.

My wife and I had JujyJr when we were both over 35. Financially it was helpful, but it was more draining physically as compared to parents we know who are 5-10 years younger than us.

Flicked? I thought it was flipped, have I been wrong this whole time?

I said it before and I’ll say it again. This is the picture of vodka and Valium. Trust.

I don’t think President Pence is particularly well acquainted with the concept of “liberty.”

Re: The three WH officials:

I was waiting for the honey shot, very disappointed.