
Yeah, which is why its the last thing guilty people do. Its not a great strategy but its his only strategy. He’s going to jail. Probably soon.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Oh man, THIS lady. If you watch the documentary of the excavation she is WAY too invested in his legacy. She was completely convinced that he was a good king who was the victim of vicious post-rein character assasination. When they confirmed that he had a curved spine she cried, because she had adamantly maintained

So you’ve made it this long without running into Sonic the Hedgehog then.

tfw you’re done using black culture for profit and moving onto your Colbie Caillat phase.

One day, the kids will see the movie and ask, “Did it really happen like that?” And we will shake our heads sadly and explain that, no, it was so much stupider.

Here’s the deal with Jon Hamm for me.

Isn’t it called The Hammaconda?

“Jon Hamm’s penis is about the size of an obese hamster.”

That styling and production design - down to the purple chair - did not happen in a vacuum! How you doin’?

(the filename of this gif is “harry styles shoe nutshot”)

Why would he think he could do this? The man is a klutz!

we’ve all fallen for him, but where were we when he fell for us?

I’m betting Heidi never got an apology.

One could say, too many:

He’s not fooling anyone, he’s a Republican, so to have a chance against him, we’ll have to give the democratic nomination to Vin Diesel. Shit, we really are a Banana Republic now.


Pretty sure that ship sailed 17 years ago when someone 6'2" was cast to play Wolverine.


I know in my heart that when the heat gets to be too much, he’ll pardon himself and resign but still, I like to fantasize about a massive treason trial, something on the order of The Nuremberg Trials, where Trump and his girlfriend’s husband Jared, are marched out in chains to face a very long trial, at the end of