
I don’t think he’s claiming to be persecuted, either, but at the same time, I’m not quite sure what he’s going on about. There is no shortage of media to consume about white, Christian Americans. If he wants to direct a movie about his demographic, I’m sure the Hallmark Channel would welcome a Pratt-directed TV movie

Well, the deck is full of ‘em...

Right. Talking about anyone who isn’t a white, straight, Christian man (with a shout-out to his female counterpart, of course) is being divisive.

TWO Paul Blart movies.

No films featuring the voice of the average blue-collar worker?????

RIGHT? When your net worth is $30 million, you don’t get to call yourself an average, blue collar American.

The death penalty is barbaric and has no place in a modern legal system.

Thank you. I can’t believe they’re issuing stays for 10 minutes, 45 minutes, etc. Forget execution; being teased with your own imminent death like this seems like cruel and unusual punishment to me.

Trump stuffed his cabinet with Goldman Sachs execs, Big Oil execs, Telecom execs - all sorts of industry insiders. How the fuck can you possibly still be beating this drum?

It made sense before, but I don’t think the Kanye and Kim relationship has ever made quite as much sense in the past as it does at this moment.

I’d probably smoke all my pot before I got through step one.

I wonder if it is just me because i do smoke and enjoy, however weed edibles *do nothing* for me. Not the space cakes from Amsterdam, not the cookies friends made and warned me about to only eat half, not the weed lollipops from the dispensary. Nada! I would like to try to perfect some edibles that do something but i

Who was the last president to be this openly hostile to the opposing party? And he’s uniting the country? God I wish he’d die already. Painfully.


Bless you for having the patience to break this all down for that fool.

Speedball? Well, then I’m glad this show isn’t on Netflix.

Most beautiful woman in the WORLD??

Bobby, Julia Roberts was named “World’s Most Beautiful” for a record fifth time by People magazine and people are being mean, of course. Funny but mean.

He died doing what he loved...