
I was hedging my comment there but... she looks a lot like Rachel Dolezal.

I can’t be the only person to think DJ Khaled’s wife looks a little bit like Rachel Dolezal

It was literally last night that I was remembering the ‘wash behind your ears saying’ and suddenly realizing I had not done this in over fifteen years. I did not remember to wash behind my ears... I’m a fucking cretin with no right to judge anyone.

Oh my god. Fuck you, Scarlet Johansson. No. Really, fuck you.

I don’t want it. Joss Whedon’s days as a good writer have long since passed and his brand doesn’t hold the same value it used to. I would have much rather seen a new writer attached to this, preferably a female one.

That cat is comin’ in hot, like a fuckin I.E.D. I tells ya!

Im sober reading this and so so jealous of both of you right now.

I’m most excited about his daughters who languished in D.C. limbo for entirely too long. I honestly thought I’d never seen them written anywhere ever again so this show has me pumped to see them on screen.

Maybe it’s just me but I’ve always gotten the sense that most of these people do not like one another and were never friends outside of work. This was probably a really awkward photo shoot.

TBH, the Russian ties are so far reaching it would sink their entire party. Republicans are in lock step on this issues because it wouldn’t just implicate Trump’s cabinet, heads would be rolling far, far down the latter of power. Local politicians and right wing media groups could be indicted for this shit. The

The American people are “customers”? What the fuck.

Insert obligatory Tyra “we were all rooting for you” gif.

Oh my god no, I’m gonna judge so fucking hard the gavel breaks.

The accuracy of this description....dead

Io9 has by far the most aggressively racist comment section of any kinja site. I don’t even bother with it anymore and just appreciate that the commenters aren’t the people blogging. Honestly they should just go Brietbart if they’re looking for writers to echo their supremacist opinions or they could you know, just

I would have eaten a producer by month two.

Ina Garten lives a life a gives off a vibe where I’d expect her to briefly become caretaker of Baudelaire orphans. She’s the chilly aunt we all want despite her odd opinion on hugs and candid affection.

“Also, hot dogs, hamburgers, and tacos are all sandwiches.”

Really? I hope a bus runs over him puts it in reverse and does it again. If we’re talking fantasy here you have set your sights far too low.

I need for this to fail. Tyra is coming back to ANTM. How fucking dare they.