
Ugggghhhhh I’m so tired of all the misinformation about the harmfulness of gmos. This reads as very anti-science.

Clock the Bob the Drag Queen t-shirt.

Here, have some luck!! Hope you get dat job.

Not leaving the house is key!

Gross, adderall??? Why would you want to be awake for something like this? I’m mixing benzos and alcohol on the nightly, loosing huge chunks of time, and praying I suffocate in my sleep.

Wrong, he’s principal Snyder.

That’s exactly where I’ve been since the election.

I’m bored with this.

It’s pronounced asshole.

I wonder, I mean Coco was a host on a way worse modeling competition with Naomi Campbell and Nigel Barker until it got cancelled. If anything, I’d imagine Coco working with the enemy (Naomi) disqualified her, but she’s certainly not above it.


No, I just hating seeing you post pretending as if you’re not actually a racist troll making an attempt at subtlety.


Time to try out heroin. Does anyone no where I can get some reasonably priced heroin?

Seriously. Let’s get specific, it was white millenials who did this. Don’t try and pin responsibility to my black ass.

Right? I’m black, gay and fucking exhausted. After Trump won I decided now’s as good a time as any to start really, really getting in to the drug scene. God only knows what horrors I’d see should I make it to fifty.

As their sole mode of transportation plz

It’s all of the public transit in and around Philadelphia. Trains, buses, the subway system and trolley lines.

It’s a very conveniently timed strike and when you consider the fact that septa leadership has come out publicly in support of Trump, it looks really fishy. The vast majority of union members are democrats but the guy calling the shots here is not.

I hate when people do this shit to cats. They’re not dogs and putting them in these crowded unfamiliar spaces is basically abuse. Bob is about to pop off and attack this woman I wish he would.