
That was a choice. That whole thing was a choice...

I refuse to ever do a job that requires me to wear a suit. I’m sorry, but all of these people look like total goobers. Basic incarnate.

I’m probably misquoting but my fave line so far is “I have a very shiny brain but...”

Im loving all the humble brags happening on this post.

As usual some straight white dude is telling me to suck it up as if he’s ever had to deal with constant institutionalized abuse. I'm going to start punching a lot more people in the coming months and I'm pretty cool with it. I don't know how other people feel about that but I don't have to so...

Truth she doesn’t get enough credit for her beat and simply being gorgeous.

Katya is also a MAJOR gymnastics fan I'm sure she was freaking out a little. If it had been Alia Mustaffana*** she may have died.

Fedora’s are horrible goats are cute. Got it.

I sincerely hope there’s some sort of trolling campaign against him that effectively ruins his life hence forth. I’m excited to have all his potential employers and colleges contacted and forewarned. Im not right but I am spiteful as fuck.

You might wanna proof read that...

Also does no one remember when the entire Russian team refused to even take to the podium and accept their silver medals in 1996?? And they’ve had repeats of the same shit sportsmanship since then too. All Gabby did was not smile as much. Thank god social media didn't exist back then though.

Anyone else remember when Obama body swapped with a sixteen year old Japanese, amateur inline skater in the Air Gear manga????

It's pretty unfair actually.

Oh god please tell us what Tinder in Rio is looking like right now. I want to know about Olympic level dick cause I'm thirsty af.

Girl, me too cause imma need that man to sit on my face so I can eat my way to his heart.

Holy wow! Is that even real????

I’ve taken to just eating what ever bugs are within arms reach and fistfuls of my own hair.

Everything about these door to door Mormon shorts offends me. Uggghhh I don’t see how looking like a more homely L.L. Bean model is an improvement.

Short shorts. Gotta show off that bussy!

When ever I’m imagining my future husband and father to my three adopted babies, he’s wearing cargo shorts. The same faded cargo shorts he wore while trekking through Malawi during his stint with peace corps. and later Doctors Without Borders. He has great calves and is simultaneously hot and unpretentious in them.