Anyone else remember when Obama body swapped with a sixteen year old Japanese, amateur inline skater in the Air Gear manga????
Anyone else remember when Obama body swapped with a sixteen year old Japanese, amateur inline skater in the Air Gear manga????
It's pretty unfair actually.
Oh god please tell us what Tinder in Rio is looking like right now. I want to know about Olympic level dick cause I'm thirsty af.
Girl, me too cause imma need that man to sit on my face so I can eat my way to his heart.
Holy wow! Is that even real????
I’ve taken to just eating what ever bugs are within arms reach and fistfuls of my own hair.
Everything about these door to door Mormon shorts offends me. Uggghhh I don’t see how looking like a more homely L.L. Bean model is an improvement.
Short shorts. Gotta show off that bussy!
When ever I’m imagining my future husband and father to my three adopted babies, he’s wearing cargo shorts. The same faded cargo shorts he wore while trekking through Malawi during his stint with peace corps. and later Doctors Without Borders. He has great calves and is simultaneously hot and unpretentious in them.…
I don’t trust a lot of the Reddit neckbeards who post to io9 especially when it comes to comic book movie posts but I will be checking this movie out.
Three of the worst fucking people team up to do awful shit together. This is basically suicide squad the music video.
I wish she had been eating a hamburger with peeled avocado halves as buns so badly.
My effortless, 60 second hairdo is to just rip out a fistful and go.
Girl I'm glad I'm not the only one! It's really that bad though.
Dont be ashamed! Your post is essential reading!
Keep posting, one of these days you’ll hit it out of the park. Comprehension is something you gain over time but I’m sure you’ll get there one day. G’night stranger.
Look, I’d love to be a able to come around and see things your way, understand your irrational hatred of Mariah but I can’t fit my head that far up my ass and neither of my parents are related.
Hun I’ve spilled alphabet soup and written more biting sentences. Who’s really winning you or the delusion?
“Bitchy with a dash of je ne sais quoi”
Just unwrapped a werther’s original so, I’m good.