
I also love how supportive she is of a lot of the other players she’s always super sweet to Muguruza and is forever singing the praises of Madison Keys. She and Venus are just class acts.

...but apparently Zoe Saldana agreed to pose for the portraiture and everyone changed their mind and got behind it.

How is this a reason to watch NCIS?

Especially with the airhorns. Projecting affirmations directly in to my nethers as no other man has or could.

He looks like he would be so amazing to platonic (not platonic) cuddle with. **Swoons**

Try writing a little whiter why don't you and tell us more about the pc culture you're apparently railing against.

Yeah well, you’re probably not fat, black, trans, bi, or asexual. I assure you those people are rolling their eyes twice as hard at you and Dan.

Yeah, hates black and trans people. Also said people who identified as asexual were pedophiles... He's honestly a real piece of shit.

Michael B. Jordan once said “all lives matter” and I will never forgive him for it. Ill be watching for Bozeman and Lupita thank you very much.

Alexandra Shipp is ok but I’d be really excited for a version free of the fetishistic race fantasy that’s bogged the character down in the past. Storm is half Kenyan half African American in the comics and I’d love a visual that more realistically reflects that. Black girls can be cool, beautiful and enchanting with

So Dr. Luke is an idiot in addition to be a rapist cause you can’t just ask for someone’s medical records to be released to the public. Like how does he not know this?

If she was Storm and got to fly and shoot lightning bolts I’d be cool with it. Even if she was some off brand version like Storm the sorceress or Storm the inhuman.

I’m crossing my fingers Disney has some work around for that. Fox’s Storm is such a waste of a character. Let her be Storm the inhuman

Please be Storm please be Storm please be Storm...

I didn't recognize slide as blonde. Threw me off...

And this is a pointless publicity stunt that will do absolutely nothing.

The south sucks. I agree, but let’s not pretend PA isn’t terrible. Like, maybe in terms legislature, marginally a little better, but Pennsylvanians collectively as a people? I’d argue our white people are among some of the worst white people in the north east. They call it Pennsyltucky for a reason and Philadelphia is

These are so bad. THOSE SCRAWNY LEGS!!!

In short, they’re myopic and entitled. They above any other group I can think of champion that shitty post-racial mindset that just reeks of white privilege.

Another one of those clueless white opinions.