
I'm the only boy in my family maybe that's why I don't understand people's weirdness about periods and stuff. I've been buying tampons, pads and even diva cups for years because I pass the store on my way home. Like, what's the big deal? Virtually none of freaks me out is it supposed to?

It's also because of this bullshit that I can't watch Gangs of New York.

Teachers told me this constantly throughout high school. Also that the civil war was about states rights and not slavery. This was a predominantly black high school. In retrospect I’m angry all the time that I didn’t know better or bothered to challenge the bullshit white teachers were teaching their black students.

I used to say that about Ashanti.

No, she has a stalker who is apparently representing himself in court.

He gets zero green Pyongyang beer though.

Fingers crossed it's him.

“Sadly, it looks like the theme of today is men harassing women online.”

Yeah this shit is on gawker now. Baton down the hatches incoming racist trolls.

But when everything you write sounds like the vicious ramblings of a moron people will respond accordingly. You seem to think your informed enough to actually debate this.

Correct. Sometimes they’re just dumb...


Right, but trying to talk about ageism instead in a conversation about race is a deflection. It derails the discussion and asserts race as no longer a priority. We’re not talking about ageism that’s not what this piece was about. If you can’t speak on the topic at hand then don’t speak at all.

It’s as if they preordered tickets and refuse to admit they wasted their money.

Dear Ms. White Person:

It’s seriously blowing my mind how obtuse these posters are. Like, im legitimately scared by the ignorance expressed in this comment section.

The reading comprehension of some of these white apologists is unsurprisingly low.

More white people trying to explain how this wasn’t colorist and insensitive. Take a seat because you haven’t written anything worth reading.

Um... No. Please read this article again.

You're still missing the point. Try again