He’s so earnest its jarring. That said, I appreciate his apparent mission to educate the masses on privilege I think that’s really awesome.
He’s so earnest its jarring. That said, I appreciate his apparent mission to educate the masses on privilege I think that’s really awesome.
Lol I’m most certainly not a white lady and Saldana has been pretty vocal about not identifying as black in the first place. Now she gets to claim that heritage at her convenience and at the expense of other women of color especially other black women. She’s flat out wrong for taking the role in the first place and…
You should blame her for taking the role.
That’s ridiculous, she's Gamora in a major film franchise. She could have easily turned this role down.
Zoe Saldana is a fucking idiot.
This news day though...
Reading these comments smh. For all the confused white posters who don’t understand; colorism is a thing. The fact that some of you don’t acknowledge it at all makes me wanna gouge my eyes out. Really though, if you don’t see what’s wrong than take a fucking seat.
Because I want to walk around with faux ejaculate on my face?
I appreciate that he just wore long johns for this interview. It’s like when I try and pass a slip off as a dress or a sarong as a skirt.
Why does this all feel like an excuse to treat these celebrities as cruelly as possible. Genuine concern for other people’s health stands in the way of our ability laugh at them.
Bob has got this in the bag!!!
That’s a saying???
This makes me fucking livid.
I'm still mad I was not stoned for the premiere. I'm doing this again tomorrow night correctly.
That’s so sad my heart goes out to her and her family.
But seriously, people probably should have left Britney alone. She wasn’t well and never recovered. Its actually pretty sad but empathy might not be your thing.
All of my stars. please have them.
Oh my god that sentence though...
I was hoping for a Game style self portrait in watercolors with fewer hashtags because he is a classy prime minister type. #doeshelickitfromthebacktothefront?
1985 for me is the cut off.