
I was in Alaska for the Nov 30 7.1 earthquake and one thing I took away from it was *never* let your car run low on gas. In that situation it was initially the only accessible light, heat, communications (radio) and electricity. We kept at least one car out of the garages at all times (in case of structure collapse

There was another article on LifeHacker on dealing with anxiety that suggested exercising your senses: find five sounds, four colors, three smells, two tastes, one touch.. By engaging with sensation it breaks the mind loose of spiralling anxiety...

Millions Jerry, Millions!

You obviously did not attend the Ducks Unlimited dinner or the SCI dinner in the last few months. Or read the letters column in the ADN when the last AFN convention happened and included speeches about limiting non-member access. I believe there were actual anti-native land self determination pickets out there.

Prior to cincinnati NRA & the rank and file were supporting a number of initiatives to reduce gun violence & limit ownership.

That’s not true. Inuit (or Inupiat) are far north. People in Utqiagvik (formerly Barrow) are Inuit. There are seven cultural/tribal groups in Alaska. I believe the victim in this case was Yupik.

I use Daily Expenses 3 for android when I travel. The Pro (no ads) version is inexpensive to make it worth a purchase.

This is an excellent comment - anyone concerned about gun violence/gun control/the NRA really needs to read about the Cincinnati Rebellion. It fundamentally changed American politics and gave the Right a rallying cry they’ve used successfully since Reagan.

Almost all HOA’s have binding arbitration built into the homeowner agreements - so no attorneys.

My question is who’s funding this? They’re coming up with ways to monetize, but someone with deep pockets is putting on this show.

I had a coworker who came on at 19 and absolutely refused to join the company 401k (foregoing a 5% match) because his grandpa told him that wall street was a shell game for suckers. Left after 11 years. For fun we worked out if he’d put in the minimum amount for full matching over the time he was here in the s&p500

How about opening an education IRA and putting money in it each birthday instead? Invest entirely in s&p500 with dividends automatically reinvested.

The fallacy you’ve fallen into is trusting that all the people on death row are actually guilty.

I really hate the fact that you’re probably right.

Electrostatic dust precipitator metal screens and filter units from the forced air heating system.

Great article - but I’d like to add that I recommend having part of the investments devoted to a wide market index offshore, say 10%

Is it just me, or does “she” have an adam’s apple.

That’s not a swastika.

Flag as russian troll.

One of the disturbing things about this is that so many cases were from the same rapist. If anyone had bothered following procedure (testing & checking online) the linkage would have been exposed and a serial rapist would have been caught before they attacked again.. and again.. and again.