
The folks protesting (now-ish) in Portland aren’t especially BLM associated (and have been rejected by the various black affiliated movements here), have killed ... no one, I think? One person, perhaps? And, frankly, 90% of the Portland city area is functioning just fine, the vandalism and such is concentrated in a

The thing is, he’s not unrealistic. There have been people all through history that have stood up to do what’s right despite the grubby realities of the world. Steve did so before he was a super soldier, and as vulnrable as the next person and continued to do so after. It’s true, that the combination of that

Over time, and accelerating in the past few decades, economic mobility in the US has declined sharply and so, yes, who you parents are, and where you live have become the defining element of what sort of economic status you’ll have in this country. Hard work and good education have become less important than

The simplest answer is that that this is a screen test for things like equipment and such and the costumes are not the final version, but stand-ins to give a general idea of what thinks will look like.  A dress rehearsal, so to say.

While equating mental illness with violence (which this article uncomfortably brushes up against) is a problem, they are specifically mentioning that a: he had some medication abruptly cut off (generally when doctors do that it’s because they think/know/believe you’re addicted to whatever it is and b: that he might

That too. When, of course, it’s generally the opposite. It’s not like laws that increase criminal penalties for (whatever) don’t affect only BIPOC folks, or etc.  Not to mention, a system that fosters injustice against one group will easily turn that same system on anyone else who steps out of line.

From a white guy: When you fantasize that you live in a just, honest society that is a ‘beacon of democracy’ and ‘hard work will give you a good life’, the ‘police are here to help’ – and that fantasy is rebutted by your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends … it’s still easier to retreat into the fantasy than

well... whatever the North thought, the South clearly was fighting to preserve slavery, it’s in the documents declaring war/articles of secession etc for all the Confederate states. It is probably true that the Union was highly concerned about preserving the country as a ... well, union (the South was an economic

I thought that was communism and socialism was when the ... systems were community owned (via the govt.).

I know everyone thinks that’s cool but ... they were both given high level access to state secrets and they’re -like tRump - Russian agents and, frankly, the Secret Service breathing down their necks for the rest of their lives is a benifit in that case.

While the funny of guys not knowing how to human never gets old, I also want to point out that young boys tend to get less time learning how to manage toilet and other hygiene - little girls go with their moms (and/or mom’s friends) to the restrooms much longer and women are (understandably) more willing and able to

it’s not unusual for those weapons to be unloaded, they’re for show.

It’s not unusual for those guns to be unloaded. They’re for show (but since almost everyone knows they’re usually unloaded it’s getting stupid).

Prepper fandom is all about the fantasy that individual skill and will will triumph when decades of systemic shit come to a head.

While stories that (anyone) is descended from Indians should generally be viewed with a certain amount of doubt (it’s a popular myth, but generally just a myth) - the key issue is whether or not such stories area used to ... claim an Indigenous voice. In this case, the woman is making a living partially because she

Evidently it’s already happening that rich folks are getting vaccines, and there’s nothing in the federal rules around ensuring folks who aren’t part of a particular ‘phase’ getting the vaccine (or, for example, going to another state where the vaccine is more available).  And, this is pretty inevitable.  If I were a

Well, that would suit the original game.

Well, the development, trials, and etc has been pretty public. I believe the research aspect is also available via the usual method of publication but don’t have the education to understand any of it. And we are seeing the administration and rollout of it real time and under more of a microscope than any modern

Yeah, and the idea that a for profit company controls this vaccine is a problem separate from tRump’s idiocy.

I think ... in theory, the govt can delcare some form of emergency and direct private companies to manufacture x, y or z thing - much as we did during WW2 and was discussed at the beginning of COVID for masks, etc. However, I don’t know if it would work in this case. Pfizer has literally already sold their existing