Now, I wouldn’t put that much trust in the FDA but in this case, I think the risks of this vaccine are outweighed by the benefits - COVID and our fear of it are crushing our society in a lot of different ways.
Now, I wouldn’t put that much trust in the FDA but in this case, I think the risks of this vaccine are outweighed by the benefits - COVID and our fear of it are crushing our society in a lot of different ways.
Man, just asking questions in this case is just an attempt to avoid consequences of her actions. The guy she linked to is no medical expert, and his comments about the vaccine had nothing to do with medicine or risks and - if I were watching that video cold - many of his surrounding comments and such would be huge red…
Evdiently it won’t matter but I think part of the reason for the blizzard of stupid claims is that if one wins, it’s a way to tell his cultists that the rest of his shitty legal cases were shut down by the deep state/jews/activist judges or whatever.
THey’re just trying to pass a COVID bill that will fuck up Biden’s plans. And give more money to rich folks. I can’t wait for Satan to call his due on Mitch and take his ass to hell where he belongs.
sure. In a perfect world, it wouldn’t matter because trans actors wouldn’t be discriminated against. But it’s not a perfect world and, until that day comes, emphasis should be on preserving opportunities and roles for trans actors (and other folks who are discriminated against in media) whether or not their character …
Meh. Acting is a job and a skill. There’ve been plenty of cis folks who’ve played trans* folks and straight folks who’ve played queer folks and queer folks who’ve played everyone. So I don’t really see the problem for Eliot to play a (presumed) cis woman if they want to. I’d rather acknowledge that actors can, in…
White people are like this because we too often never have to face the consequences for actions like this (see also: anti-maskers, who seem to think freedom=I can do whatever I want). Much as I don’t enjoy people becoming homeless in this society, shitty social behaviors like noxious racism should always come with…
My one hope for the shift to Newsmax and OAN is that they are already well know shitty shows and ... they’ll just be cesspits that don’t drive much public discourse anymore? Maybe? I mean, my guess is that once tRump is out of office the crazy contingent will continue to be crazy on the interwebs but less active in…
... I’ve not seen that? Hardcore tRump supporters seem quite happy to betray one of the most important parts of being an American (the right to have a voice in our own government, via voting, among other things) in order to keep tRump in office. In the end though, I don’t think any of tRump’s hangers on will survive…
My guess is that he knows he depends on the MAGA hats for his seat now. So, even if tRump gets kicked to the curb he still has to lick those boots to continue to remain a Congress critter.
Thing is, the Trumps, Kushners and etc are the nouveau riche of NY. They never rubbed elbows with the classic rarefied wealthy in the city (no matter how hard they tried) and the rich folks they did run with are often no better than the Trumps, just less famous. They’re only going to be exiles for as long as it’s…
Is there a difference between womanist and feminist? I’ve not seen the term before.
The light at the end of the tunnel is for the rich, there are 331 million people in the US and between the two companies I think they’ve only reserved less than 100 million for the US - and you know it’s not going to nurses first. It’s going to politicians first, then their families, then the ultra wealthy, then the…
tRump was a test ballon and now that the repubs have realized the country won’t kick them all to the curb when they’re obvioulsy doing illegal and immoral shit ... they’re just gonna keep doing it.
All he’s going to use it for is to continue his insipid rallies - until he runs out of money because he can’t even manage money well enough for long term grifting.
The military will not. They specifically will not and have said so multiple times. Thank god. No matter how much I really hate the asshole farting up the white house, I really don’t want our military to start ‘helping out’ in our domestic political sphere. We’d really be a bananna republic then.
Well, hopefully those lawyers will get a clue; the GOP is broke (cause the grifters in chief have stolen all the money) and they won’t get paid unless they get their money in advance.
The poor Sgt. at Arms is some old geezer ‘cause we never thought we’d ever have to actually use that position for anything. I think even tRump could take him.
Everyone is trumpeting pfizer’s refusal to take govt. money to develop their vaccine but it wasn’t revulsion at tRump - this way there is no leverage to demand they don’t jack the fuck out of the price for the vaccine because it was developed using public dollars. In emergencies, the Prez can still nationalize…