
Of course, if he’d been a completely different person - he might have been relected.  But he wasn’t and all that we saw before the pandemic made clear that his response would be exactly what it was.  It was ... luck, I guess that brought the pandemic when it did because so many folks don’t seem to care that our

It’s fucking funny and by that I mean fucking sad, that there’s all this bullshit talk about whether or not the repub’s attempt to claim democrats are evil, child eating socialists are the reason we didn’t do better and ... almost not a fucking word about the fact that many states are insanely gerrymandered so that

Simple trespass, probably. Though there may be extra penalties for doing in the white house, which is the head of our government. Frankly, I’m excited for the opportunity for a pre-view perp walk when they do drag his fat ass out. It’ll be good practice when NY or one of the other states perusing fraud charges win and

They’ll say they’ll get nasty but then fold, something that has been proven by their actions.

The current white American assumption seems to be that if you can be called Latino - no matter where you’re from or why you’re here - you’re a BIPOC and obviously fall under that (supposed) monolithic block of voters/views. Some of NYT’s analysis of this voting cycle and their accompanying punditry makes me think that

I have to say my short answer at this point is ... I fucking hope COVID runs rampant through the fields of white supremacy and kills them all.

The two party system is crippling for democracy, though I’m not sure we have such a winner take all as people claim, at least not when politicians were more likely to cross party lines for laws/bills they believed in. Ultimately, it’s the concept of party loyalty being more important than issues or values that is

The news about Oregon (which doesn’t matter that much on a national scale) and armed folks at a drop box is probably true but somewhat exaggerated. Open carry is legal near voting sites and there was an armed (asshole) there but not near the ballot boxes and not confronting anyone. Probably.

I think a lot of folks have lost the concept of compromise - not just to compromise at all, but the discernment in deciding what they’re willing to compromise on and what is too important to give up. The past several decades have helped, IMO, as most national ‘compromises’ were mainly to ensure the maintenance of the

Because us white folks like to believe that rich people deserve it, and aren’t fucking crooks and cheaters - because then that means we can fantasize that we can be rich too. Also, white Americans love their fascism.

Except for the fact it’s in Florida, I could get behind that.

Well, beating his wife probably did it too.

It’ll be pretty hilarious if he loses the election but locks himself in the white house ranting about how he’s still president if he’s there - because he’s got the mentality of a cranky five year old.

“I think people do want to make change and they want to help and they are incensed at these problems—they’re just mad at the wrong problems,”

Oh, I’m no Christian and Christian denominations will have to do a lot of crawling on their knees to earn this queer’s forgiveness. My partner is a practicing Jew and that let’s me see just how ... different even the same stories are depending on how the particular religion interprets them. That’s why a ‘but

... treating guests well was critically important to many pre-modern cultures and it’s more than a cheese plate ... more like, not handing his guests over to be raped by his asshole neighbors and, instead, offering his daughter - which sucks and is it’s own set of problems - but the take away lesson was less about gay

Varies by individual strain of religion. Islam has the least emphasis on homophobia in the Quaran itself (totally separate from the cultural practices of some Islamic traditions) and modern Judism tends to ignore or re-interpret Leviticus (and, if you interpret it strictly, it’s solely about male homosexuality). And

So far as I can tell, there is no Christian church with the possible exception of the Catholic Church that condemns divorce with anything remotely like the intensity that Jesus’ statement suggests they should.

A few folks have been charged with making false calls but that’s a very minor misdemeanor - a law saying you are vulnerable to a lawsuit when you make an unnecessary call is a whole different thing.

Of course he’s not going to leave quietly - he’s going to face a mountain of lawsuits and a good chance of going to jail when he no longer has the entire US Justice Dept. at his beck and call. Plus, I’m pretty sure Putin has already stopped returning his calls, so he’s got no emergency out there.