
Why is it so popular? It’s got cache baby! It’s got cache up the ying yang!

Yo Gabba Bortles?

Doesn’t the NIH know that the NFL doesn’t believe in guaranteed contracts?

+1 unrealistic but correct

A 2013 Tacoma is a nice truck, but it’s not that nice.

“If the CDC recommends schools not send home kids for lice — and the present policy is moving towards never sending kids home at all — shouldn’t an airline let a kid complete his travel home with his family?”


People can sit there and say Hillary was a bad candidate, but she beat Trump to the tune of 3M+ in the popular vote and that just eats him up. She wasn’t a bad candidate, she was the unfortunate result of an electoral college system that nowadays has a built in advantage in the red states.

So tired of the popular vote argument. It is such a red herring. It’s like arguing your team should have won the game because they had more passing yards.

No, the problem is the Democratic establishment is a bunch of morons. If the Clinton team couldn’t tell they might just possibly have an issue in Wisconsin when they ignored the state for the entirety of the general campaign, or Michigan, when Debbie Dingell was all but screaming to the DNC that things were going

Mass is the only state where I’ve seen someone go through a tollbooth, get several hundred yards beyond the booth, and then proceed to come to a dead stop, chuck it in reverse, and back through the booth again.

So this will be the second time he’s portrayed a blind guy.

My windshield wipers are dull so I moved to Syria.

BMW: We stopped making the 6 coupe but started making the 6 Crosstour, oh and by the way...

I think we can all agree the world needs more Jian Yang

Certainly not Ed Chambers. They had to let him go.

“Thank you for flying Rock Bottom Airlines. Please hug your heated flight post continuously and firmly press your face into the oxygen dispenser. Failure to do follow these instructions may result in freezing, unconsciousness or death.”

God would be pissed if birth control went OTC. It’s in the Bible...somewhere.

Talk about a ... “hard sell.”

If it remains over the counter for more than four hours, congratulations, and consult a physician.