
Thank you. It means a lot.

Exactly as you said. Abusers are chameleons. They can come from any life situation, and they are exoerts at hiding their true nature from the world. No person is abusive from the beginning of a relationship or abusive toward everyone the come into contact with. They keep up the facade and choose their victims wisely.

I’m so, so sorry you exlerienced that. I’m happy you got out. My dad would threaten the dog too, once took out a butcher knife and held it to his throat because my mom had the nerve to complain we didn’t have money for dog food cause he’d spent what we had on beer and cigarettes.

*internet hugs* I only spent nights at home once I hit 15. I wasn’t allowed sleepovers very often. I can’t bring myself to drink at all. My dad and I have similar personalities (aside from him being abusive) and a shared mental illness. I’m scared drinking even a little will turn into self-medication and addiction. I

Yup. People want all abusers to be one-dimensional scary monsters so that they don’t have to deal with the fact that literally anyone can be abusive. Sober and in the right mood, my dad is super intelligent, good humored, and generous. But he’s also threatened to kill me and my mom and threw a 20lb chair at my mom’s

I’m sorry you had to go through that. I empathise with the locking yourself in your room bit. I was a champ a hiding the the closet/under the bed.

Precisely. There are so many chunks of time for her that are just literal blanks. She really only remembers being scared all of the time. She seems to remember a bit better before the triggering event when she was around 5 (witnessing her dad choke and then drag her mom out of a party, then hiding between cars in the

I definitely was. It hurt a lot when I moved for college and my mom moved halfway across the country with my dad. My aunt who also is a DV survivor reminds me that my mom will never leave until she can admit to herself she needs to. I know the AA program isn’t perfect, but my aunt says going to AA meetings open to the

Thanks. I was 17 at the time. Never called the cops on him after that. I just started making sure I had a weapon on hand just in case. It scares me to admit it, but I actively fantasized about and planned on murdering my dad the year before I left home. I was lucky to get out with enough sanity left in me to know I

My dad would somehow magically sober up whenever I called the cops and claim I was just an over-sensitive teen who misinterpreted a family arguement while my mom sat in silent fear. The last time I called, I got a lecture from the cops about not calling 911 unless it was an actual emergency. After they left, my dad

This so much. She’s getting so much scrutiny for not submitting her deposition. The descriptions I’ve read of her crying and being in hysterics read as someone who had a severe moment of panic when faced with speaking about their trauma. Many victims of abuse, domestic or otherwise, can break down when telling their

You and me both. I literally am terrified of gatherings involving drinking where I don’t know how everyone behaves while intoxicated, so basically all of them because my loved oned know better than to get more than lightly buzzed around me. This video was like a replay of my dad on weekends where all my mom, my

Definitely. My dad was/is the same way. To him merely not entertaining whatever drunken antics he’s up to is provocation...walking away, refusal to engage in an arguement, having the audacity to speak. This video triggered my PTSD a bit. I’m kind of grateful it didn’t show more.

She would be shocked to meet my white coworker from Texas who has been teaching Spanish for 10 years. Not a drop of Latinx/Hispanic blood yet she’s more proficient than most native speakers I’ve met.

As a Spanish teacher, I’m complelled to say you’re correct.

Nope. But I won’t doxx myself by saying.

No but I will admit he got the idea after watching the show. A quick visit to ebay and he found one with my name on it.

I share a name with a location, so my husband bought a shirt with “I’d rather be in (location name)“ on it. I’m with you on these things only being acceptable in the double entendre sense.

Or maybe we just don’t like being your strawman. Not one thing you have implied about me is true. Every single response you lost is railing against some Bernie bro strawman neither myself of Malcriada are or have brought up. Literally all we are saying is that Clinton should make sure she genuinely takes up Latinx

I never implied you don’t understand immigration. And just FYI, I know how laws work and have voted in every single election I’ve legally been allowed to vote in as well as worked the as a pollworker. I’ve registered people to vote for the Democratic party and have helped DREAMers through the application process for