Biting Panda
bitingpanda--disqus… - Kittentariat Open Chats. A new one is started every Friday, usually TLo will Close the older ones. It's not the same cozy feel as the original TLounges, but it's still a nice way to touch base with everyone.

" full time lecturer and a full time student in a PhD program" Look at you, Kitten!! I'm so proud. Of course you are missed, but life has a way of doing that. If you find the time, come to Lounges that start on Friday's at They are called The Kittentariat and the regular Friday night TLoungers can be

You're alive!!!!!!!

Add to that, Unser saw her crying, hysterical, and broken, he picked her up in his truck, for Christ's sakes. He saw her clearly shaken and upset. To ignore alllllll of these things is sloppy writing and to base an entire final season on sloppy writing is a huge disappointment.