
I kind of liked the movie, but if I remember my biggest gripe about it on a post I did elsewhere, the movie was just a little too long.

I hear J.J. actually gets a dollar anytime anyone in the world uses lens flare, he's got it registered.

So you had Uranus over your bed?

I think he's doing the international, er, intergalactic gesture of NOT IN THE NADS!

I don't hate Doom, I think it's right up there with Judge Dredd as cheesy movies to watch when I run across them on TV.

Well....technically it'd be this.

You'd think by now the boys would know the rule "if there's more than 3 hunters in the room, half of them are going to die".

You know what's missing, and I say this without reading the comments yet...Otherworld.

True story, me and my buddy did a video for our Econ final in high school, this is in 86, as Bob and Doug. The topic was about the price of beer.

Owen, I'd kiss you if I didn't have puke breath.

Phase IV and Bug were my favorite bug movies in the 70s when I was a kid, I've been wanting to see Phase IV again but I never see it on cable.

Only if it's particularly fresh today.

Yeah, it fails on so many levels. I still check it out, but I know I comment less now because it's harder to read comments, I'm not going to click to see every reply, and I don't like not getting notified when someone comments your comment.

Is Electra Elf's sidekick named Dyna Dwarf?

I feel like I should be strapped in a chair with my eyes pried open while watching this.

I have to admit, I may have stopped watching it now. I recorded last night's show, but I just don't really feel the need to watch it. Oh well.

Is that Dr. Falcon, or Dr. Fal-cone?

Mine's not showing it. But I notice this is one of the movies that has the "buy the blu-ray and get the video on demand too" offers, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what we're seeing a screen shot of, someone that purchased the physical version of the movie and getting the free online version too.

@kompeitou: Agreed, I'm happy with my 2010 mini running plex.

If you're someone that watched the original Eva and was turned off a bit by some of the characters (this means you Shinji), I recommend giving this reboot a look.