
Isn't the Dirk Gentley on in the UK on the 16th?

My hate meter is going off the scale. I joking made a comment to a friend that this was SSX: Black Ops, BEFORE I watched the video.

@mattjohnson15: yeah, those were the days. And then the experimenting in college, ah....

You had me until the stone hummer. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

You had me at Titus. I'll have to check this out sometime.

Jack Bristow IS Agent Claus!

@Nivenus: What about Jim Henson's Muppet Babies? What about Plug-in Babies?

@cmp_solutions: Well don't expect your money back from Gizmodo!

So is this "just a hobby" for Google too?

You had me at Klaxons, not liking this album as much as their previous though.

Not really made for this list because of the number of episodes, but I was tempted to crack open my Farscape discs and go through them. Maybe we can get a writer's strike again and clear off TV time for that.

Thanks for the lack of Babylon 5 ships and no Moya, and double thanks for a dozen saucers on the list, pfft.

The game requires iOS 4.1, poop. Haven't updated my JBed phone yet.

@ElimGarak: I totally agree, I loved the episode, but it had a few sour notes. I never thought of Dr. Girlfriend as a swinger, that totally wrecked my model of her, that hussy! I bet she did the twins too! (throws up in mouth)

Was I the only Mage reader who saw the big guy with the red cap on his head and thought of the Red Caps? (admittedly larger)

They only need to revive one thing, and that's SSX. And there's some hints that they may be working on that.

Yeeeeaaaah....let me know if they do a real trailer that at least clues you into the synopsis.