
@hellosunshine: I triple that challenge! Brown bread with raisins is the bomb. I once gave some a box of brown bread for Xmas.

@phillian: Hey mister, I want my 8 seconds!

Are they doing the tease with LeBron?

@diw321: Dell had/has it for $40, but there's tax, so it came up to $43 and change. I can "essentially" get it from amazon for $46 (if I count the future $10 off) and get it within 2 days since I use amazon prime, so I just went that way.

On the fence on this one. I loved the first game, and I liked the demo for C2. I think I might end up getting it just because I'll get the $10 off on a future game that I know I'll get.

Starfish Hitler originally tested out for the starfish part in the Charlie the Tuna commercials. He didn't test well...

Laurie Anderson is waiting on line 2...

I kinda like the look and I'd kinda think about it, but I'm worried about 3rd party dock connectors fitting into it. And those damn apple connectors are so slim as it is, the bottom looks thick enough that it's be a pain in the arse to unplug.

Nights, Guardian Heroes, and Burning Rangers.

Interesting. Trying to decide if their port design is neat or stupid. Definitely stupid for no eSATA support at least.

What is it about this season that feels so awesome? Maybe it was a sucky last season, but this season feels a lot more violent and darker. I love it! I'm loving the whole King of Mississippi plot, the characters are interesting and I wish to subscribe to their newsletter.

I think I've seen that chick in Frisky Dingo!

@MrGOH: Traveller! Man, I'd forgotten all about that. I bought Traveller and GW as a kid, the Traveller rule book gave me more headaches I think, so we just played GW in Jr. High.

Maybe now he can tell us what the snozzberries actually say.

@Bluecold: so which myth am I supposed to believe, the myth that less is better or more is better?

@ian.nai: Yeah, they seem to think they need Firewire, and some people still have a use for that, but it's getting less and less use. Newer video cameras that don't use tape are using USB anyway, and FW hard drives are expensive and it's hard to find a good one. I did some digging around for FW enclosures, and I

@lad-x: Hahaha, that was my reaction too. And I still think she's kinda cute.

I don't care about the blu-ray so much, I have a PS3 already and set tops are getting cheaper, but I would really love an eSATA port on the back. Either make one of the USBs a combo port or replace the dumb SD port. Other than that, it's a slick unit.