Scott was "using language that most of the audience didn't understand, and it had to stop," Olbermann recalled the executive as saying.
Scott was "using language that most of the audience didn't understand, and it had to stop," Olbermann recalled the executive as saying.
I never thought I'd say the sentence "I'm with Kobe."
Trust me when I say that, despite our wishful thinking, no one believes that the angry white man with made up grievances will ever go away. Gamergate is nothing more than a hateful white whine movement, only instead of focusing on the gay Muslim Kenyan Atheist Obummer, you guys are focused on video games. Yours is an…
Meanwhile the girl screaming "Jameis Winston fucked me right in the pussy against my will" got ignored by the police.
Roger Goodell has made it his personal crusade to "clean up" the NFL's image. He decided that he needed to crack down on players' off-field misconduct, and he has made it known that off-field misbehavior will not be tolerated by the league, because he envisions the league as some sort of Standard Bearer of American…
I don't think Goodell did anything wrong.
Yeah I think that's part of the problem. He lets out steam on the net because he can't release IRL. I don't care what people say, but couples who don't fight are suspicious as hell.
I can never figure out why Americans hate other Americans so hard, or possibly hate their own country. Maybe it's why you wave flags so much. You're a brilliant case in point - you appear to have similar culture to ours and yet your rage shimmers like heat off your comment, like you're being forced into a tortured…
Yeah, he's one of those mouth breathers who is happy to attend government funded schools, drive on government funded roads, use government funded emergency services, eat food and drink water that's protected by government regulation etc. etc. all the while whining about how unfair it is that he has to pay taxes. I'm…
Yeah, as someone in a serious relationship for year, I haven't received a verbal yes in years. We react to each other emotional and physical responses. Your simplistic view isn't a realistic or legally viable definition.
If you wouldn't think twice about driving with your kid in the car but think that leaving them alone for two minutes while you pay for gas is negligent and dangerous, you have a pretty messed up ability to calculate risk.
It's more comments like this that make me mad. What exactly about that poster's comment did you feel was meant to troll? He makes a valid point - albeit, needlessly confrontationally - and you, what, attack his gender and chalk it up to sexism?
I'm not necessarily agreeing with "re," but let's take this point to the extreme. Suppose a sixteen year old playing for the U-17 national team scores 300 goals or something unassailable in her U-17 career. It would make sense for us to not call her the "top scorer" in general. We would have to specify "top U-17"…
Because the only time he's called that is during the Men's World Cup. It's basic context. If he was brought up during the Women's World Cup they would use the men's qualifier. It's just basic speech and leaving off unnecessary qualifiers. During the men's world cup do you seriously expect them to incorporate…
It is absolutely a de facto control of the space, regardless of how it is framed as something else to create a weak legal justification.
But they're not really making choices for their own bodies; they're making choices about a hypothetical set of unrealized medical circumstances. There is just no way a woman can make an informed decision about something that hasn't happened yet. Would I want to be taken off life support? I don't know, because I…
Bargnani: This man has never coached? Is terrible hire.
Said like someone who never played. Leg cramps are one of the most painful short term injuries you can have. it is absolutely impossible to get anything out of your leg when you have one. and if you try to force iot, as lebron did, it leads to a calf seizure, which depending on severity, can last hours to even…
Why would they question you? They are too self centered to inquire of others. Their focus is entirely on their own wants and desires. In conversation they are unable to comprehend a perspective of another person.