
‘Tis true. The F-35 is compromised in aerial combat by its multi-role mission of being a jack of all trades, master of none type of platform on which 3 distinctly different-role jets have been based.

It doesn’t matter if you have a cell phone if you don’t have any savings and can’t save up because you’re living paycheck to paycheck. That you have a house that is falling apart and you can’t afford to fix.

Just for a moment let’s set aside the fact that this is not-even-thinly-veiled racism, and that the data shows immigrants are more law-abiding and more entrepreneurial than Americans. OK, has everyone set those two facts aside? Good.

The Rocket’s only chance to dethrone the Warriors was after Iggy went down in the WCF. And they would’ve pulled it off too, had the Point Guard not had his annual injury at the worst possible time.

Starred because The Hunt for Red October is one of the all-time underrated great movies.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly.  She looked to have plenty of time to shed speed after the first off, but I saw no signs of braking leading into that second turn.

You’re absolutely right. I had countless arguments with former coworkers who hated the idea of nationalized healthcare because it would “be expensive”. Morons: your health care premiums already are expensive! And getting more expensive every day! And as taxpayers we all pay for it when someone uninsured needs

I completely agree with you! I “handle” the insurance for our household of three (me, spouse, child) and it is an indecipherable nightmare trying to figure out what will be covered and under which circumstances.

Does anyone else here think that maybe these ads aren’t the result of a sense of humor, but an attempt to pitch gee-whiz features to low-information consumers?

Glad to hear the wet rescue is working and they’re getting them out relatively unscathed.  I was pessimistic that weakened non-swimmers would fare well against a challenging dive, but am more than happy to be proven wrong.

This is such a weird situation for all the reasons others have already mentioned. If I’m the GM of a non-Spurs team right now, I wouldn’t touch this guy with a ten-foot pole. He’s been in the league’s best organization, one that genuinely looks out for its players’ health (how many DNP-Old did Duncan/Manu get?), and

My thoughts exactly re: Chris Paul.

Seconded.  I mean...  Yeah the trim level can be a bit tricky to narrow down, but that’s clearly a Fusion.

Are you me? Because whoa, I used to curb-stomp people in BF:1942, but nowadays am strictly average at most online games I play. As a result, I’m limiting myself more to quality singleplayer stuff.

From the linked article:

Yep, this is the entirety of the problem with “sharing XYZ device” startups boiled down to its essence. People are dicks, and removing the onus of ownership means these problems will always exist. The million dollar question becomes: can the startup make enough in revenue to not only offset negligence and deliberate

This is so weird! I need a dealer insider to tell me if it’s realistic to expect someone to walk in and buy a car that’s been sitting on a dealer lot for almost 3 years, and at basically full price!

The trapper is an asshole; his bongo technique doesn’t accomplish anything but agitate a scared, pissed-off apex predator. There’s literally no purpose to tapping it like that.

Yep, I’m always grey. I like to think I make (generally) insightful comments with a minimum of trolling, and yet so I remain.

Utterly ridiculous is a bit extreme, no? Debatable? Sure. Seriously: this is a game of ball-hoops, controlled by rich white billionaires yanking their Negro playthings around like puppets on a string, all so we can argue about this shit like it’s life and death. Which it isn’t.