
Yep! Florida panthers (not the eponymous hockey team) are the state animal and a subspecies of the standard mountain lion that somehow found their way to the swampy cypress forests of southern Florida. They’re notoriously elusive and number around 200 or so. I’m not aware of any attacks on humans, but they get plenty

The idea that there are alligators in a man made body of water not in a “wild” area truly wouldn’t occur to lots of people.

But given all the tourists coming from literally ALL over the world to Orlando, it’s mindboggling that Disney didn’t have signs up before this.

That’s a good policy to have in Florida, as alligators are known to hang out in swimming pools. Did you know they can scale chainlink fences too? I’ve seen ‘em go up-and-over 8 foot fences topped with razor wire.

Good for you! Me and the SO are house-poor but looking to downsize, and once we do (and I can take time off work) we’ll be globe-hopping right alongside ya.

Gotcha. Apparently Disney’s enthusiastic whitewashing of Florida’s ecology is more deceiving than I realized. And it goes beyond what signs they did or didn’t have posted there at the Grand Floridian: just look at that beach.

I’m right there with ya. I was born and raised in Orlando, but my parents never really made going there a big deal; I went twice or perhaps three times as a kid (and at least one of those was on a school field trip). Once I made it to adulthood I really had no interest in Disney or indeed that whole side of Orlando; I

I agree with you wholeheartedly on Disney’s motivation for never putting signs up in the first place; it endangers the aura of “the happiest place on earth”. (Not as much as a two-year-old getting dragged horribly to their death, but hindsight is 20/20.) This will never go to court: Disney will quietly settle a metric

I know this idea of DJT secretly still being a Dem and eventually revealing himself has been around a while, but it just seems so unrealistic. Don’t get me wrong: I love it and hope it’s the case.

Interesting... What were the circumstances there? Did you guys round a corner and wind up on top of it?

There is no way—literally no possible way—to keep alligators out of Florida’s waterways, man-made or otherwise. They can scale chain-link fences and have been known to hang out in people’s backyard pools. They were here first, so squatter’s rights and all that I guess.

Your post conflicts me.

Sweet Jesus that’s a tasty little blonde behind him.

We have a marriage-related family member that’s been suffering early-onset Alzheimer’s for almost 15 years now; the last 5 have been especially bad. The poor, healthy-minded spouse has until recently been the one trying to do all the care, and it has taken a huge toll on their health.

Katherine Douglas, a 65-year-old Trump supporter in Florida, told Reuters that she like his unpredictability. “He’s going to put other world leaders on edge,” Douglas said.

No, it was. Obvious joke was obvious, and yet here you are still dying on that hill.

Us too! We were toying with Western Europe even before the GOP primary was unleashed, and are now doubly interested. Know of any resources to help Yanks make the jump across the pond?

His views are objectively horrible, but none of us should be surprised he holds them: worldwide fame notwithstanding, this is a guy that grew up dirt-poor in a very conservative 2nd-world country before beginning a two-decade career of getting his brain rattled.

Wholeheartedly agreed on her timeless, amazing beauty. That scene when Cary escorts her to her room the first night they meet—she steps in, twirls around, and plants one on him before closing the door without a word—did me in for her permanently.

I’m not going to delve into the at-internet-length amateur psychology on skin tones and racial identification that you seem all-too-eager to dive directly into, but I will say this: you sound like an angry asshole who loves to hear themselves lecture others.