
Exactly. Kids aren’t dogs, they’re shouldn’t be allowed just anywhere.

You’ll never convince people of this one. Parents (not every single one of you, but surprisingly close to it) are some of the most self-involved by proxy (is that a thing) people on the planet. I have no idea what gave them the idea the rest of the world owes their children something but they’ve sure taken it to heart.

If you’re going to fucking bring your fucking kid to a fucking bar, the little fuckers are going to fucking learn some new fucking words (or at least one in fucking particular).

Don’t tell anyone, but I didn’t look at the slideshow either, for the same reason.

One argument against cleaning your tub while you shower is that you’ll waste a lot more water as the shower runs while you’re scrubbing everything down. We’re hurtling at warp speed toward an ever hotter future where water is going to be rationed Mad Max style. Why push it even just a tiny bit closer?

Here’s what I do...

Please delete this post. The world has more than enough “full time influencers” already. I don’t know how many are out there, but from what I’ve seen, the desirable number of “full time influencers” is that number minus itself.

Right? The flavors sound great, but almost two cups of olive oil plus half a cup of mayo for one pound of pasta?? Yikes.

Emphasized “I find it amusing that you didn’t even address the biggest problem with this. You are obviously an iPhone user. And iPhone users are completely ignorant to how these ‘tapbacks’ are received by Android users. Sam liked “blah blah blah super long annoying message sent right back to me, etc. etc.” And of

I find it amusing that you didn’t even address the biggest problem with this. You are obviously an iPhone user. And iPhone users are completely ignorant to how these ‘tapbacks’ are received by Android users. Sam liked “blah blah blah super long annoying message sent right back to me, etc. etc.” And of course, iPhone

“If popcorn is prepared using butter and oil, this benefit is essentially canceled,” she said.

Does “dry spices” include Kernel Seasons? Asking for a friend... >.>

I know they’re harmless to me, I know I shouldn’t be scared of them, but I’ll be goddamned if cicadas don’t freak my shit out something fierce. I hate them.

I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.

I wage war on wasps/hornets/yellow jackets, I will not share my space with them. Cicadas aren’t even close to being on my hit list when they pop up, most insects are only in danger if they get inside, otherwise I really try to let bugs do their thing. Some additional bugs have kill on sight bounties inside my house(sco

This should make getting stabbed at 1 am at 7-11 much easier!

Thank you!  These slideshows can fuck right off.

Pillsbury cinnamon rolls are definitely my Christmas morning go to, as they were my mother’s before me.  And if I want something a bit more filling/savory, my husband acts like I’m a genius whenever I make bacon and eggs, which would also be easier than this.

as someone who guiltily loves a good fast food breakfast sandwich, these look first rate.  thank you!


in the last 6 months of my job at sears, I think I removed such tags from clothes at least 5 times a week from purchased items (with receipts) which another cashier forgot to check. It happens all.the.time. A lot of people live hours away from the store in question, and just heading back is not an option.