
This article is about passing them on and getting them out to other who will use them. Read the damn article! They are not recyclable and if you don’t have family or friends who want to take all your Lego off your hands then what to do with them? This is an amazing solution to that problem and will get the Lego to

If you don’t have a family member to pass them along to then you can’t do that. And that why this is a helpful article on how to get the Lego to others who can enjoy them again. SMH

People need to relax. These pods were made as a promotional product specifically for London’s Cocktail week. They are not being produced and sold to general public, you will not see them at any stores in any countries. It’s something new, it’s something different, yes it’s a stupid way to drink alcohol, but here

I got very excited until I realized this is maybe not available on Android yet? I’ve updated Instagram and searching through settings Ican’t find any option to switch to a Dark mode. I cannot stand the stark white background of Instagram and can’t wait to change that (and literally every super bright site /app, includi

Why are you even watching all those stories anyway. Just scroll right until you get to your friends (or account of interest) and watch their specificstories.

Is this like the Visa Debit card? 

Just because you don’t find it a sticky mess doesn’t mean others may not. Ya right you’ve never ripped into an orange and has the juices drip onto your hands. You’re oranges /mandarins must not be very juicy ones

This article should really be called The Worst Times to use the Washrooms on Airplans because that's what is mostly discussed. 

Lifehacker has a tendency to totally rely on smartphones for everything. Even when realistically you likely won’t be able to use it due to battery life/data not being available. This article would’ve been more helpful if it told you how to download maps, or can any of the red cross app or website be downloaded /used

Right because being physically /mentally exhausted with work and kids and other commitments has never made someone too tired for sex. I do not want to have sex while practically falling asleep and I absolutely do not want the person I’m with falling asleep during sex (I’ve experienced this and it sucks. How am I ever

Well you're definitely not humble or gracious. 

I’m also surprised a Lifehacker author didn’t recommend to just take a pic with your phone of wherever you leave it since were all completely dependant on smartphones at that’s one of their go to hacks.

I absolutely would be worried if the chain is too long. You for sure will come home one day to find a red mark around your kids neck (or worse) because they were playing with the chain.

Get over yourself. It’s also not their job to hold your hand the whole way while you figure things out. They have 100s of people to think of not just you. They didn’t build the website just to attract traffic. They built it for people like you and other family and guests to easily get answers to questions. Do you

Ya I love sitting their smelling my own shit for as long as I possible can. Whooooo

I will never understand people who take 30 minutes (or longer) to poop. YOU NEED MORE FIBIRE IN YOUR DIET. And unless your a mom (or dad) hiding from your children in the bathroom why is that the place you want to take your time and chill on your phone? “ya I think I’ll just post up on the toilet for a while smelling

In Toronto there is a woman who goes around telling people they are beautiful and offers a sticker in exchange for a donation. She sometimes says it’s for charity, sometimes doesn’t say where it’s going, but it always goes in her pocket. The Toronto Sun did an article on The Sticker Lady exposing how she funds her

Don’t know how the underground path is a “scam” per se. It’s great in the cold winter months and also good when it’s pushing 40+ degrees with the humidex. Also, there are shops and restaurants that cater to the many businesses in the above towers so it's extremely convenient for someone working in the area.

Yes this article title should read how ‘I, a single, childless, freelance writer who eats the same thing everyday increased my networth’. It’s great this worked for the author, but in terms of being helpful on a grand scale to average people (or those with children) it’s not very helpful. Why do so many Lifehacker

Really though? This is that much of an issue an article was written about it. How about this, if you’re a forgetful person take a picture of everything. Then when you lose you’re phone because you’re forgetful, you’ll be screwed because you’ve made no attempt at actively remembering anything. Memory, like muscular