What’s more convenient then plugging it in every night when you get home? Are you regularly driving 250-300 miles a day? If so, then yeah, it’s not for you.
What’s more convenient then plugging it in every night when you get home? Are you regularly driving 250-300 miles a day? If so, then yeah, it’s not for you.
Given how small the world is now, region-locking promotional video clips like these makes zero sense to me.
You did watch that movie until the end right? Wehre he came back and became a hero?
That’s just what French sounds like in the 24th century.
I respect Robert’s devotion to his principles, but some sort of fire-suppression technology might have been a good place to compromise.
Ouch,I love Sir Pat Stew but they should NOT have made him attempt to speak French.
That is objectively not true. I still meet people playing Pokemon Go randomly all the time. Pokemon Go isn’t even that monetized, sure some people pay more than the others but its nothing like Mario Kart or Gatcha games. Myself I have never dropped a dime into PoGo and do fine. People are still around because its fun…
Because its a fun and well made game you dont have to drop money into to enjoy. Oh ya and it gets regular updates and events and its fun to play while walking and not really doing much else. So ya, its perfectly relevant.
Carrie was involved in the process and loved the final result in Rogue One, so how was it disrespectful?
I'm not saying it was the GREATEST family vacation, but it happened...
I hadn’t seen it! He’s clearly very, very over it. Even in the interview you can tell he’s seconds away from walking off the set of this exchange. His big moment is at 3:01.
On the one hand, it’s pretty clear that nobody really planned out extensive character arcs for the leads from the outset, not even for Rey.
Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else.
Cut her some slack, she’d just sat through a second viewing of Cats. After that, what do words even mean anymore?
Like this movie deserves a review with proper grammar...
I was also confused by this - and a few other spelling and punctuation issues throughout the article. I can only hope that a patched version is on the way!
My phone has been Type C for the last three years. When I first got it, it was a bit odd, but now most of my devices use it. I used a Nintendo Switch charger to charge my phone a few weeks ago.