Thanks for the update!
Thank you, Beratna.
Well, I can’t say I’m interested that much in the premise, but I will watch anything with Karl Urban in it because he’s awesome.
Confirmed: Scoops Ahoy is a nautical-themed mall-based gourmet ice cream parlor.
Ghostbusters came out the summer of 1984.
This will happen. Also at the same time, it won’t. Probably.
It’s hard to find someone who peddles dangerous quack remedies to desperate people as “cute”, no matter how much they smile.
[Note: Swamp Thing died on the way back to his home planet]
Wolverine’s attraction to Jean dates back to #110, but Claremont never really introduced anything remotely resembling a “love triangle” to classic UXM, probably because at the time the principal audience for superhero comics was still kids, and the notion of a psychotic man-animal macking on a much younger woman (who…
The love triangle was in the 90s cartoon. Along with some questionable voice acting.
Yes! Bastard using his sex appeal to get out of scrapes!
To be fair they also made fun of cross-fitters. So there’s a balance to who is being made fun of.
“’But but but’, you are like a non stop ‘but’ machine!
A highlight for me is every time Lazlo says “Bat!”
I loved the movie when I caught it in the wake of Thor: Ragnarok hype thanks to mentions here. I’ve also really enjoyed this show so far.
...from the inside out!
...I do if Sarah Finn says she is. That’s just how it is.