While its probably true that, in most cases, men dressed as women going into the women’s restroom would be harmless, I still don’t want my little girl in there with him/them. Period. And, that doesn’t make me a bigot, it makes me a parent.
While its probably true that, in most cases, men dressed as women going into the women’s restroom would be harmless, I still don’t want my little girl in there with him/them. Period. And, that doesn’t make me a bigot, it makes me a parent.
Never said a word about gay men or what might go on in a men’s restroom. That is not my issue, I am a woman and concerned about the safety of women.
That you put “” around men is kind of giving the game away. If men who claim to be women are allowed in women’s spaces, that allows all men in since nobody is allowed to question the validity of what is in a man’s head. And since women have no ESP to tell the harmless man from the harm intending one, we would prefer…
As it stands now, if I see a man going into the women’s restroom, I can say something, maybe cheerfully advise him that he is going in there by mistake. If he continues in, I can assume he is maybe hard of hearing and repeat what I said louder. Won’t cause a magic force field to appear to keep him out but at least any…
And if a woman gets assaulted in a free-for-all restroom, is she going to be asked why the hell would she take the risk of using that restroom if she knows men are allowed in? Maybe be told she knew the risks so she was kind of asking for it? If she was trying to adjust the fit of her blouse in front of a mirror when…
Never been raped but have been groped by men, seen a few flashers jerking off in front of women and kids, had lots of creepy men get all into my personal space and even try to follow me. Have friends who were raped. Being a good assertive little lady and telling them to leave me alone was usually followed by an…
Not a myth. Remember Planet Fitness?
Tell us how to recognize the rapist, then? Oh that’s right, you can’t, until he rapes someone. Males are dangerous and it’s not women’s job to protect one kind of male against another.
One of the problems with the statute was it does, without question, allow anyone to enter a rest room or locker at will. The statute clearly uses the self identification threshold, which means, any individual can state, at any time, self identify. That’s not fear mongering, hatred or bigotry but simply a legal fact…
Seriously now. The very same author who brought us this piece published the following today http://jezebel.com/houston-detect…
About a man who raped a 12-year-old girl in a public bathroom. Are you still gonna make stupid condescending jokes about fairy tales? Or are you going to give some kind of indication that you…
Oh my God, Anna, how do you live with the dissonance of writing this and then publishing this http://jezebel.com/houston-detect… on the very same day. Here everyone’s merrily making fun of the supposed “bathroom hysteria”, while girls are being raped in public bathrooms, and nobody bats an eye. FFS
Why don’t you respond to the actual example I mentioned? Why don’t you google “bathroom assault man disguise” or whatever and tell me what you find?
It’s pretty clueless to say men don’t go to great and elaborate lengths to invade women’s privacy and boundaries. Chuck Berry put the camera inside the toilet bowl.
I have been sexually assaulted several times BY MEN, so talk your #NotAllMen bullshit to the hand.
Haha good one. So funny. Now here’s the thing. We’re teaching women and girls that they shouldn’t trust their instincts anymore. Because most women would want to leg it if a man suddenly wandered in, but with all this pervasive propaganda calling such a natural part of our survival instinct “bigotry”, women won’t know…
Wanna claim men aren’t a danger to women and girls in public bathrooms? Try googling “bathroom assault” and then say that again...
I’m all deep in the google-hole on this case now. What in the ever-loving fuck?!
In case anyone wants the article that quote is from: http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/…
Yeah, right. Who are you gonna believe: a gang-banger who’d already been tried for a previous case of arson and murder, or all the people who testified that he and his partner had bragged about torturing and murdering a little kid? And who then grinned all the way through the trial?
From the NY Times, August 30, 1993:
How ass-backwards do you have to be as a feminists to promote a child rapist and murderer on your site Jezebel?