
oh, god. Have they ditched that fiasco called “Studio2b”? I bitched about it, even at our annual meeting. What a joke.

I was a girl scout leader for 9 years, and the mother of two Eagle Scouts.

I like Inslee. I liked Gregoire more, but Inslee is good. Not particularly charismatic, which makes me doubt he’ll make it as a national candidate.

 I begged my mother to let me wear her Jessica McClintock for my senior vocal recital in college. 1981.

DOMINOS? Good god, the cretin couldn’t even spring for decent pizza?

it seriously looks like an overcoat

Danai Gurira won, hands down. gorgeous color, gorgeous cut. she even beat out Lupita, who has exquisite taste.

this is a wonderful post, thank you.

she never declared a successor, for the exact reasons you mentioned. I doubt she ever forgot the court toadies rushing to be with her as her sister slowly died.

“social climbing” has such a negative connotation. are Kate and Meghan from a different social class than their Royal husbands? yes (as odd as that seems to me, as an American). But they didn’t marry their husbands to climb up the social ladder. Calling either of them ‘social climbers’ seems like such a bitchy

I dunno. he keeps claiming he’s in the Oval Office (who starts a tweet with “Im in the oval office”?) but there’s no Marine stationed at the door. He may well be in Florida for his pricey party - more cash in his pocket dontcha know

this is depressingly true.

how OLD is this child? is she old enough to drive?

aren’t they missing a sister? (why do I know even that much about the Kartrashians?)

my daughter got a dress at David’s Bridal about 5=6=7 yrs ago as the bride had people from all over the state in her wedding.

Melania-bot doesn’t care NOW. “I don’t care, do u?”

mine wasn’t a bridal shower... but a coworker I BARELY knew - we were in training for a call center!!! - invited me to one. Are you fucking kidding me? I wouldn’t want to go to one of those parties with my besties, let alone with a roomful of women I barely know. what IS it with Southern women? (mine was TN)

I can’t imagine why you’re rarely invited to bridal showers. you’re obviously so much fun to have around, in your moral superiority

actually, their prophet had a Revelation several years ago and people of color are no longer sinners by default. black men can actually be Elders now.

Herr Drumf, for me