
or it came from the Trump Foundation. Because Trump never parts with his OWN money

Four months after the fact.

oh fuck him sideways. there is nothing “civil” or “welcoming” about urging vulnerable people to kill themselves. And anyone with “fascist” in their name does NOT deserve 1st amendment rights, since they would happily revoke the same from a large percentage of Americans, if they could

this is proof positive of the body double. no fucking way does Her Drumfness wear anything other than 4" designer stilettos

we couldnt have misunderstood him: he TWEETED he had proof of the conversation.

he does not, and we have the golf cart bills to prove it

I honestly don’t even think he remembered that he used to do that. Because it didn’t bother him, you know?

I just returned from 10 days in your lovely country. I religiously watched BBC Morning every day and was interested in the issues your country is dealing with. Do you update on British news regularly? I’d love to keep up.

that’s what I can’t figure. what part of “unanimous” do you not understand? “ok, we’ve reached an unanimous decision”/wait 7 of us (more than half the jury!) think he’s guilty. W.T.F.

um... are you writing in English? is English your 2nd language? Punctuation, please.

Out of Africa. I wanted to jump his bones thru the screen

I love you. Marry me.

I detest the 7/8 length. As a fairly tall woman, it always looks like I bought the wrong size pants (doesn’t help that as a wee!Bitchy jeans that fit my waist *did* hit me there and I had to add cuffs to make them long enough). On short women, it just emphasizes their height (in a bad sense)

you’re exactly right. that is an extremely unflattering length

nah. NASCAR is hugely popular in the South, not so much on the Left Edge. I agree that Trump supporters will twist everything and anything to support their POV, but Dale Earnhart is THEIR hero, not ours out here on the coast.

I know I do

i would agree with everything except “interviewer”. I found Ann’s interview to be excruiating. She would ask the question and then answer it herself before her interviewee had a chance to respond. I ended up shrieking at the TV “let them SPEAK!!”

I am not obligated to support or even like Megyn Kelly simply because we both have vaginas. She is a nasty piece of work who had a brief moment of true journalism when she tried to pin Trump down. She didn’t deserve the harrassment she received from the Trumpites because she tried to get a straight answer from our now

I had to drop ,out of Criminal Minds this year. I like Spencer, but ep after ep after ep of “Spencer In Jail”? Nope.

that’s...supposed to be funny? oh, yeah, boys club in the writing room