Bacibaci Beninobenone

how is that different from actual chris martin?

Here I detect the influence of one Judd Apatow who, much like own films, never seems to want to focus on hard, gritty economic realities and instead keep the attention on character and quirk. You can knock him for that, but you can also respect it as a choice in terms of atmosphere and theme. And if you're generous,

Could have sword he said "Eddie Bauer"

The smart ones come here only for the comments. Lots of the TV critics on here are well-known jagoffs

"panicked look*

The writing is amazing. The storytelling, not so much.


I feel like you're not the right demo

It should only be played if "Skeeter" Valentine sings it.

I wonder if it's pegged to a fixed ratio of salad-tossing.

Uh, yes.

Yeah, that was pretty gendered. How dare she offend ladydom!

I like it because it's a walking visual of the bad decisions we make in our twenties. It fits her character (and Dunham herself ironically) perfectly

I think something like quitting GQ can be seen as a kind of "truth" to that character; but part of the show and its appeal is these characters making complex, flawed, sometimes outright dumb choices about their lives

The show is at its worst when trying such pesky things like "narrative" and "story" — it's at its best (and why I keep coming back) when it focuses on character and being plain funny

This show is quite the mindfuck — a show essentially run by a 20-something on the verge of realizing what she is, about 20-somethings. Does anyone else get a weirdly unstable feeling with this show? Part of the appeal of the show is that I feel like the creators/showrunners don't know/agree on quite what they're doing.

You'd think they could turn down the autotune when Allison Williams is supposed to be singing live

Ugh, this script has been making the rounds in Hollywood forever. The most prominent version, written by Paul Haggis, sucks so much. Hopefully Mr Fogelman can do better (he's a talented writer, but the concept is not that good).

Hard to believe that benefits from books etc could be spread out among so many accusers.

Um, inherently superior? Several thousand film buffs in the LA area just got an ulcer.