To be fair, the author is a neurotic controlling (assumption) wife by the sounds of her writing. Not that that makes her a bad person, but it’s hard for me to not read these takes in jest.
To be fair, the author is a neurotic controlling (assumption) wife by the sounds of her writing. Not that that makes her a bad person, but it’s hard for me to not read these takes in jest.
i can’t really comment on any of these guys until i know what their feelings on transgender gender politics are.... also, i’m getting tired of men being exploited while assholes simply pay attention to the clothes they wear..?? i have a lot of things to say, ok?? i’m not just a shirt and a pair of pants, ok??
Dude, even if you fucking love baseball, which I do, imagine spending all goddamn day ‘freely’ ‘enjoying’ a park, picking apples and then watching a baseball game. No need for Nyquil.
Oh, I get it now. You guys enjoyed the joint party because you’re losers and don’t have any friends.
Aziz looks like he is practicing for a role playing Joe Torre in a Yankees mini-series.
Are you really making the “we lost but it’s because we played poorly” excuse? Let me guess, you also think this is the best team of all time.
Yeah, I am imagining a bunch of guys and girls (totally having a blast!) just standing around politely talking about work, where they’re from, the weather. Maybe doing a HILARIOUS karoake of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin!” LOL DAE know the words!?!?
Oddly enough, I was more open to the idea of a joint bachelor/bachelorette party before I read your case for it.
Nice screenshot of the aftermath of Stefanie wrapping up Beverley.
“We’re going to the botanical garden? Holy shit, I’m totally gonna get some ass!”
We considered a museum outing
This is the worst thing ever published on Adequate Man. And that is an outstanding accomplishment as Adequate Man generally publishes terrible takes.
We considered a museum outing (if your city has an interactive science museum that doesn’t have to be taken too seriously, all the better), an unstructured park day, a movie marathon, fruit picking, and trivia night at a bar.
This a terrible idea, and kind of defeats the entire purpose of a bachelor/bachelorette party which is to have a weekend with YOUR friends before you permanently (hopefully) tie your life to another person. You will have endless amounts of time in the future to hang out with all your friends together (like that whole…
i highly doubt anyone’s balls dropped at this party unless they fell out of her purse.
I’m going to propose this to my fiancee. If he things it’s a great idea, I’m going to call of the wedding.
Counterpoint: This is a horrible idea. This post should be taken out back, beaten, tarred, feathered, beaten some more and thrown into traffic while aflame.
Just like Brian Elliott FALSELY ACCUSED the Blackhawks of goalie interference.
Your old ass sounds surprisingly like a millennial with your all about you complaint